Version Update Highlights (11/22/2006)


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Version Update Highlights (11/22/2006)
Version Update Highlights (11/22/2006)

<!-- TITLE AREA END --><!-- TEXT AREA -->Many new features, as well as improvements to existing game mechanics, are planned for the upcoming version update. In today's Topics, we'd like to bring you a taste of what's in store.

New Areas
Along with the introduction of a new battle system "Salvage," the previously restricted access to the Ruins of Alza'daal will be lifted, allowing players free reign to explore the entire region.
Also, several unreachable sections of both the Bhaflau Thickets and the Caedarva Mire will become accessible, and adventurers will be able to encounter the creatures that inhabit those locations.

Mog Lockers
The maximum capacity for Mog Lockers will be increased to 70 items. :)

New Quests
Several new quests, including a story that centers on Aht Urhgan's Serpent Generals, are planned for the upcoming version update.

Experience Points in Besieged
The experience point reward in Besieged will become obtainable as limit points.

After meeting certain requirements, it will become possible to travel directly to Tu'Lia from the Hall of Transference (found beneath the Crags of Holla, Dem, and Mea).

The Fellow system will be adjusted so that your fellow no longer disappears when you change areas.
*Fellows will still disappear if the area you enter is not an area in which fellows can normally be called.
After meeting certain requirements, it will become possible to travel directly to Tu'Lia from the Hall of Transference (found beneath the Crags of Holla, Dem, and Mea).

thats promyvion entrances if i'm not mistaken.
Yeah, the Hall of Transference is the entrance to the Promyvion areas at the crags. Maybe there will finally be a use for that other big machine in there. This sounds really cool. It'll shorten the time to sky drastically. Now if only it would erase the gilseller characters that try to use it....

The limit points from Besieged is a good change too, I've heard several people complaining about it.

I must say though, the item that got the biggest reaction from me was the Mog Locker increase. ^_^;;
Yay a way for PLD to merit! lol Beseiged party anyone?
1. Mog Locker = Win
2. Sky Access = Win

It'll be easier to get people to sky to compete against/defeat those assholes in sky.

Hall of transference: If you remember, in that zone there are two machines. The machine on the left was used to erase your memory and the 2nd machine on the right did not have any function.

EDIT: The NPC update is a win too... Anyone who levels their NPC and has to zone for whatever reason, knows what a pain-in-the-ass this is. :D
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I don't see a weak point yet in any of that.

All of that stuff is all sorts of awesome.
I have a feeling this means choco racing and the colisseum are being put off til next year.
I have a feeling this means choco racing and the colisseum are being put off til next year.

Maybe this Savage thing is what the Colliseum turned into? Or maybe it's just unannounced for a few more days.
Maybe this Savage thing is what the Colliseum turned into? Or maybe it's just unannounced for a few more days.

it's called Salvage damnit!
I'm sure there's more to be announced, and choco racing should be one of them. They also mentioned job enhancements/changes, so we should see an announcement on those next week or so.
It'll be easier to get people to sky to compete against/defeat those assholes in sky.

I don't know. The inherent problem that is sky deals pretty much with the fact that the claim system and the NM repop system seems to currently favor those who have an extravagant amount of time to just sit in sky waiting for an NM to pop. Until SE changes claim/NM system or mitigates the effect of gilsellers, it will still be a competition against the gilsellers.