Valefor Mog Tablets Found


Kitteh's Meow
As of this afternoon JST time.

So far...

The movement speed after resting for 1 tic is pretty hot. Nice that it works on mules too...
/sadpanda ;; I wanted to go hunting. Too bad it was 4am Eastern when this started!
/sadpanda ;; I wanted to go hunting. Too bad it was 4am Eastern when this started!

yeah seriously lol.. SE just never chooses the optimal NA times for these
I guess someone got some fun out of the big event. Would be nice if they included more of the server. >:p
I'm totally writing off the ring. I have a hard enough time using my Anniversary rings as it is. If they always reset the event at the same time it's just going to get worse and worse. I'll be happy enough with the signet bonuses for now.
Reset last night. Supposedly now we'll have to be even closer before they pop. Not sure if any were found yet.

reset at 2am pst, 8-24 hour repop from there on the tablets
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Judging from my log, so far tablets found in:

  1. Xarcabard
  2. Tahrongi Canyon
  3. Cape Teriggan
  4. Qufim Island
  5. West Ronfaure
  6. Batallia Downs
  7. West Sarutabaruta
  8. East Sarutabaruta
  9. Meriphataud Mountains
  10. Eastern Altepa Desert
  11. Yuhtunga Jungle
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They disappear 1 week from the date/time the last was found. They respawn all at once at a random time 8-24 hrs later.

Basically, once you see a "continental announcement" that one has been found, they are all up and ready to be found, so get your arse moving.