Unoriginal Ideas For Healer In 6.0

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I'm sure this is no where near a unique idea. I don't understand how devs can be so bad at designing any class that isn't dps. Players are giving ideas left and right, but it's like they have Michael Scott working there and refusing to actually be competent. In a game where any class can do any content, who cares if one class is better than another. Why should the top 1% or the bottom 30% dictate how the majority plays? Make classes unique and different.
My ideas:
WHM:Stronger base healing with a tiny little dps rotation (pure healer like they want, without taking away from cool concepts for the other healers)
SCH: shields and fairy
AST: Focus on buffs/debuffs with more area of affect heals
New healer: Focus on Hot
- All classes will still have the basic cure/cure2 & medica/medica2

Is my idea too simple and vague?

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