Ultima Ventrilo Update


Kitteh's Meow

The Ultima Ventrilo server voice codec has been changed as of 1PM EST. (12/7/08)

This change allows mac users use our Ventrilo now.

Please report any quality or other issues to me via private message.


yaaaay thx aang
Guess no one has mentioned it but vent doesn't work for anyone who isn't an admin. WRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY DO I KEEP GETTING TELLS ASKING ME IF I CAN FIX VENT I CANT.
Why don't people tell me these things?

Ever since I reset the password, I haven't heard a word.

Is this the case? No one can get on that isn't an admin?
Correct. It's like the same thing that happened last month or whenever, no one could get on except the admins. With all the bitching people were doing in ls and in tells I just assumed someone had told you since I obviously can stay on vent as admin and cyber with fodder as long as i want.
I just removed the password for now, until I figure out why this is happening.

The password should not be changing nor expiring.

Please let me know if you still cannot connect.

Ok. Thanks.

I'll address this again over the weekend, just be on the look-out for idiots or go hide in the private channel if some idiot decides to spam the server.
I will banhammer them like no other. Thanks for the quick fix ANGELEECEEOUS!