Ultima Linkshell: Introduces New Website Feature


Kitteh's Meow
Ladies & Gentlemen:

I am very happy to announce the introduction of a new website feature exclusive to Ultima members and other regular visitors of our website.

Over the years of playing FFXI, we have seen new tools come and go which have impacted how we play and interact within the world of FINAL FANTASY XI. Some tools have been welcome additions while others remain to viewed as shady or give an unfair advantage over other players.

We have come up with this new tool as a way to once again improve not only how we play the game but also how we interact as a community. I certainly don't believe we are the first linkshell to have such a tool that I am about to tell you about, but I believe the integration and execution of this new product is a first in the FFXI community.

Awhile back, I had the notion of somehow bringing the in-game environment and the website together in way that would be beneficial for everyone. I have seen various forms of this introduced by other linkshells whether it be small in scale or a full blown production system that worked all the time. With that, Coice and I begun discussing how to make this happen in a way that was secure & functional for our members and bring a little something extra to non-members.

Over the summer and into the fall, these ideas started to come to fruition and eventually a working test version. With that, we then decided to integrate it to the forums system to manage and control it. Once we were able to get the framework together, then we began working on the features and how it would actually play out for each user to access and utilize this system. In late October, the design came to the final stage and we saw come to life in a fully working production example. I think Coice and I are both satisfied with the work and we certainly hope that our members and others of the FFXI community get some benefit of what I am now announcing.

Without further a due, I bring you:

The Ultima Linkshell FFXI Chat & Information System (PDF) (v1.0.1)

New Features that are coming, click here.

More details will be released as we get closer to releasing the actual working product to the Ultima website for production use.


Best Regards,

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Been looking forward to when this was going to be made. I remember when we were all talking about it. Looking forward to checking it out.
are you trying to make us students fail college?!?!?

I'm going to assume your character has to be logged in to make this work?

Hey, I can dream, can't I?

Very impressive, however.

Edit: Oh wow, guess not. I'm baffled and amazed!
wow....... just wow

I'm very curious as to how it works, but I'll just hold off on the questions and wait and see.
1. You don't need to have your character logged in, you just need to have a valid forum account.

2. For linkshell chat, there will be a procedure for inactive FFXI* players to gain access, that will be detailed on the product launch.

3. We are making some adjustments to the actual display in-game to appease some players' issues with displaying the web chat text.

More to come later...

* = Inactive Ultima member that meets the following general criteria: (to be revised prior to release)

1) Is inactive and is not currently playing. (No character or canceled content ID's)
2) Is inactive from the Linkshell and is not a member of a competing linkshell on Valefor.
3) Inactive player that was not "removed" from the linkshell.
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I knew it was gonna be coice, haha..... If everyone in the tech business was as capable as him, I'd never get a job anywhere (._.)

This looks amazing, really looking forward to it. Goodbye, work productivity.

After a few modifications after some user input, the chat area now looks like this:


Thanks for your input!
Update: [Yes, Another]

FFXI Chat has been enabled partially as of the time of this post.

All users can use Campaign Updates.
Ultima Admins, Sacks & Moderators can use Linkshell Chat.

Click on "FFXI Chat" in the Navigation Bar at the top of your screen.

The rest of this will be released on Saturday.

Aang, you are the paragon of awesomeness. If you weren't already married, I'd want to have your children!
I was wondering who Uwc was last night.

What are you going to name the next mule after this one gets banned for RMT? >.>
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