Tricky Mobs


FC/Active Member

Most of the pictures are blocked now due to bandwidth overages, but I found this a very interesting post. Turns out that the Orange mobs that Arien has pictures of aggro and link... but do not attack. WTF is this?!? Turns out you can be walking around, one will aggro you... Walk some more, it will link some other mobs. But as long as all you have on you is an Orange mob, it won't attack. So weird...

6BLM + 6 linked Orange mobs + 6 Thundaga III... Instant Chain 5 {Do you need it?} They do not fight back... {I'm interested}

However, there must be some catch... They wouldn't just institute mobs that don't attack for no reason. I'm afraid to find out what the catch is ; ;

Also, you are UNDER the water in this zone... and also over it. In some sections you are walking ON TOP of the water... And mobs can aggro you from UNDER the water, as well as the MASSIVE mobs aggroing from above. /panic
ack... meant this as a reply, not a new thread...