[tonberry][lfm][mc] 3/8 The Weapons Refrain (ultimate)

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We are a group of friends who are looking for fellow masochists who feel like dying to garuda over and over again for months. Some of are completely fresh to ultimate, but nonetheless we are dedicated to seeing this to a clear, no matter how long it takes (although would be nice to kill this thing before the next raid tier in 5.4).

To those who are thinking of joining us, we are looking for people who:

1. Know your class well, can play it at a level expected of ultimate, willing to research class optimization from other sources such as The Balance discord, looking for POVs of your class in UWU to find out how to squeeze out as much DPS as you can without wiping the group, also need to research optimal BiS for your individual class.
2. Willing to put aside the time to do research/watch personal POVs, to gain deeper understanding of mechanics. Much time will be required outside of raid hours to do prior homework, it’s an ultimate encounter and one person not understanding the fight can end up holding the group back for weeks. You won’t be alone in trying to figure out how the fight ticks, we’ll be alongside you every step of the way, trying to work out as a team how we can effectively deal with the mechanics of this fight. We do however, expect members who have a sense of personal responsibility and won’t want to just be spoon-fed instructions on how to do mechanics
3. Can emotionally withstand high amount of wipes, it’s likely we’ll be wiping to this fight for months on end before we see a clear, we pride ourselves as a relatively chill group of friends, and we like to think we can laugh at our own mistakes while also learning from them, please no toxicity :3
4. Communication on voice chat, not only during raids, but also before/after raid times for discussion. We’re in this together as a team, and communication makes or breaks teams.
5. Able to take constructive criticism and learn from mistakes
6. This is a long term commitment that may take many months, knowing that we are all in this for the long haul, and that we will see this to a clear no matter what It takes
7. Cleared at least 1 raid tier when it was relevant, preferably e5s-e8s as it’s the most relevant, ultimate experience is not needed as many of our current members are still fresh to ultimate as well, if this is your first ultimate, but you have the right mindset, you’re definitely welcome!

Current roster (3/8)
All other slots available

Schedule (Plan to start in Early October 2020)
Aiming for 5 lockouts a week, in GMT+8 Timezone
Weekdays 730 pm and after, Still unconfirmed exactly which weekday, the 3 of us currently in the static are quite flexible
Weekends 12pm-6pm, also still unconfirmed and quite flexible

If you feel you have what it takes, and if you would like to join us on this journey to kill a bunch of rehashed primals and some giant machine dragon, please Dm Mochi#2871 on Discord to find out more :3!

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