This Patch’s Balance Changes Are Laughable.

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BLM: 25% Damage fall-off fix.
RDM: 20 potency on Flèche/Contre Sixte/Jolt II
SMN: 5 potency Reduction on application and DoT Damage(110 total)

These Caster changes don’t sound like they changed much at all aside from fixing RDM’s problem of being a weak caster; if anything, they only made things worse for Ranged just a tiny bit. I thought MCH would’ve gotten some buffs given their Damage is a bit on the weak side, but I saw them nowhere in the Patch Notes. Maybe 5.25 might actually have some buffs for Ranged, but I’m beginning to have my doubts(BRD/MCH in particular need help: BRD with DoTs and MCH with just raw Damage given it’s the 3rd time they’ve Redone the job).

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