THF Soloing Fenrir


Kitteh Paws

20 Min video, but it shows that with enough prep and planning you can do it, lol.

Shadowstitch used @ ~9:57, that's pretty good stuff. He Feints before he uses Paralyze arrows, I think that's a great idea.

He's got a few others on the sidebar that might interest you too.
There was some major luck involved in this fight. AT one point he had like 150 HP left and was recasting shadows and evaded an attack, even though Fenrir seemed to have gotten an Accuracy Boost near low HP and he wasn't really evading a ton of other attacks.

Definitely impressive though.
He soloed Leshonki.

I hate him.

I wiped to that thing as a 70PLD (with friends, of course), because I didn't wanna fork out 3 mill for a Rosenbogen, and it traumatized me.
Leshonki is BST turf!

Get the hell away from our NMs!!

Knife fight, Attowah Chasm, let's go.
