Theory About Elidibus

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Long time lurker, first time poster.

So after a long time talking and thinking about this I wanted to share it and see what others think about it too. A while back, some friends and myself were having a conversation about the most recent MSQ content and the revelations given within. Throughout the quest chain we were reinforced on many story threads but one stood out to me more than the others, the fact the Elidibus sacrificed themselves to become Zodiark's 'heart'. While I admit this is something that everyone has thought about, it stuck with me. Eventually I shrugged it off like most of the information given as setup and moved on until the other day when I came across this thread here:

It jests about Lahabrea and the MSQ and I chuckled a bit at it as well. But then, I re-read what the Amaurotian actually says and two things hit me like a ton of bricks. First, its just a title. Elidibus, Emit-Selch, and Lahabrea are just titles. Yes, we knew this before but it is easily to overlook and more importantly titles can be earned or relinquished. Thinking back on the conversation at the end of the new dungeon, they talk about the pre-sundering Elidibus becoming the 'heart', so how can he be here? The answer, he isn't, it is someone else. But whom? That led me to the second realization, that the Elidibus we are currently dealing with is the individual who held the pre-sundering title of Lahabrea.

Now I know what you're going to say, "we killed him in MSQ 2.0", but I would ask, did we? Did we kill the individual who held the title of Lahabrea pre-sundering or did we kill someone who inherited the title?

Think about what the Amarotian says about Lahabrea:

"A master of every recognized creation magick, possessed of boundless imagination and willpower to realize impossibly complex concepts. And a renowned orator besides!"

At what point did the Lahabrea in the MSQ 2.0 portray any of the qualities talked about? Never. Sure, he monologues and threw some dark magicks around, twice, but at no point was any of the qualities talked about above shown to us through that Lahabrea's actions. No public speeches, no highly intelligent conversations, no ridiculously awesome magicks. Instead, it is more likely that that individual was someone else given the title of Lahabrea, because it was open and available.

In contrast, if you look at the "Elidibus" we were shown in 5.2.

- He speaks to a large group of people while calm, collected and well-spoken; not once, but twice.

- He creates a massive illusion to awake The Echo in people and to further his goal all while showing us just how ignorant our preconceptions are. (This could also be conceived as the writer king of slapping you as well saying "THINK ABOUT IT!")

- He didn't flinch when confronted about his motives or asked to explain himself in the greatwood. He was resolved to see the plan through which speaks to his willpower.

While more so conjecture on this one, they are turning the story away from the ultra common tropes (as talked about by Yoshida in the "Telling a Tale" episode of the creation of Shadowbringers series) of light is 'good' and dark is 'bad'. What if they are also pulling away from the trope that the villain tells you their plan/motives and is instead moving toward someone who is highly intelligent and looks so far down on you that they aren't going to bother explaining themselves or listening to you.

Finally, there was an interview with Yoshida and Oda at Gamescom where they were asked:

"Could we please learn the true name of Lahabrea? Finding out Emet-Selch's true name was absolutely awesome and a great reveal so it'd be fantastic if we could figure out who Lahabrea was."

His answer was simply "Next!" which is the default way for a dev to say we cannot talk about it because it is going to be revealed later.

Bonus: There is no information to substantiate this in any way but we also went on a tangent about how Lahabrea, given everything said about his, might be the originator of the idea of Zodiark and possibly who caused The Doom. All as part of another plan of some kind to manipulate people and events.

While I know none of this is full proof and there is plenty of room for other characters to show up and so forth, there is enough information to show that we are dealing with someone new, but that doesn't mean we don't know where they came from or what they are capable of. Either way, I am interested in your thoughts, let me know what you think.

submitted by /u/Veloxtus
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