The Other Side Effect Of The Star Shower (spoilers)

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There's a discussion about the echo, about Hydalin's message (here, think, feel), and how apparently we had it wrong for quite a while.

Notice though, while most people heard her, and some people didn't awaken at all, there was another group.

These others, they felt a deep empty longing.

This feels far more significant then the star shower and the revelation about the echo. It also seems to not be discussed anywhere that I can find.

So, those who awaken are drawn in one of two directions, one to Hydralin, to light, are these others, who feel loss and longing, thus drawn to Zodark, and shadow?

Parts of the lyrics in "To the Edge" feel like they echo this.

Anyway, it all feels so important, but there's so little to say about it.

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