The New Windows


Uber War
"Windows Vista" is wut microsoft is calling it i was accept as beta tester for them so i have to blackout the build number on the desktop


lol I have a version of windows xp that has a build number on the bottom right of screen... It was *ahem* "lent" to me by Anne Arundel Community college, can't figure out how to get rid of it tho.. lol
yes its a complete new OS i had trouble with my video card till ATI made drivers for it now
Isn't Vista the so-called 3D OS? I've seen screenshots of like the My Pictures and stuff, and all the graphics operations are done on the video card instead of the CPU (with previous windows versions). I think the minimum video card requirement is like 64MBs for the 3D? Not too sure, but I'm pretty excited about this new OS.
Yar. I have Vista too on a test machine. I aslo have IE7 w/ Tabbed browsing with Windows XP testing on another machine.
Have they released a windows with a competent shell yet?

Cygwin makes baby jesus cry
