The Grand Cosmos.

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I am suddenly interested in the dungeon much like I was in Skalla. From what I know the dungeon was a remnant of Voeburt, that is inhabited by a Nu Mou. But there were a few things caught my interest:

  1. the Name: The place doesn't seem to have anythign dowith Space,but I am aware the term "cosmo-" can refer to "everything" so I am curious as to why the place is named as such.
  2. The "cosmo memories" as I dub them: a few rooms were populated by what seems to be shades of the Voebuties, as such I'm wonderin if they are actually specters living out an afterlife in the Cosmos or are closer to the illusion of Aumorot's inhabitants in the Tempest. Considering the current resident is an expert in soulcraft, either seems possible.
  3. The Location: From what I gateher, Il Mehg should had been the location of Voeburt and thus the extent of its former territory, yet the dungeon is accessed from Lakeland, Granted it could be that Voeburt also lay claim to that zone and there are evidence supporting that, but some confirmation would be nice.
  4. The Warg Gear: Like Skalla, I'm interested in what the gear says about the dungeon, but its for a different reason, namey it being Wolf themed- as opposed to a contest winner that the Devs had to contextualize within the dungeon.

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