The Future Of Limited Jobs

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So kind of just a request/please SE dont screw these things up -- but Limited jobs need to have a change in definition.
Enix doesn't allow limited jobs (blue mage being the only one right now) into any endgame conten, This makes me worry for the future of limited jobs when they add more cool ones such as Puppet Master, im worried they will become just another minigame that has no actual bearing in current content.
thus the level lock and restriction from dngs and stuff, but I say that restriction is not even necessary.
The problem i believe they see with blue mage is that it would not be balanced, and thus a Hammer to the Meta if it was allowed in endgame boss fights and stuff -- in turn causing an uproar in the competitive/elite community.

so here is my solution:

Change what limited jobs restrict. I would say, Allow a Limited job to hit the current content level caps, and allow them to play in main storyline quests, dungeons, normal/hard trials, alliances and roulettes and whatnot just like every other job, However As a limited job they would not be able to Que up for Extreme Trials, nor Savage Trials. This would ensure those who want to play the limited jobs would be able to do so freely -- appeasing the casual players who just want to play the class, but Limited jobs would not be able to que up for the content where "balance" is intentional and mandatory Thus the Competitive crowd would have nothing to complain about -- Win Win, and no more screwing up cool classes!

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