Swap Is Not A Good Rule For Triple Triad Tournaments.

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A few months ago, with extra time on my hands due to the pandemic, I decided to shoot for a full Triple Triad collection in-game. After hours upon hours of grinding I'm now to the point of just 1 missing card, Tidus. Being a tournament prize card, I need to finish either top 3 or get lucky on a platinum pack.

I can handle waiting a couple weeks between tournaments to earn these packs, or hoping to get lucky platinum packs from open tournaments, but the one thing I can't handle is Swap being a rule in the standard tournaments.

This week we have Swap and Three Open. If you get your 5 star card taken for one of your opponent's 3 star cards you basically just lost the match unless they SEVERELY misplay. The only way you'd stand a chance is if Plus or Same was active to allow for some kind of creative counterplay, but even then you are at a crushing disadvantage. I know a lot of people say "Well, you have just as much a chance of taking their 5 star", but those wins don't feel satisfying, let alone enough to balance how awful it feels when it happens to you.

Can we please remove swap from the tournaments or at the very least pair it with Same/Plus to give you the slightest chance to win? Triple Triad is one of my favorite parts of the game and this is the only time it feels awful to play, but I have to suffer through 20 games just for the packs.

I'm sure I'm not the first person to post about this, but after it happened twice in my first five games tonight I had to come here and voice how terrible I feel like this game design is.

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