Support Sucks And I Guess Just To Vent?

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So here I am, a level 66. 3 different service accounts since 1.0, and I've finally made it this far into the game, and it seems like it's gonna stick. I'm starting to get hooked. The same feeling I had back in 08 while playing WoW is starting to hit me now. I decide I'm going to rework the way my character looks, to better fit what I want to be seen as, seeing as this looks like I'm in it for the long haul.

Use the fantasia, go to the re-edit character screen. After clicking on changing to a male character, the appearance editor isn't pulling up. Weird. Change another setting and try again. No dice. Back out, right click on my character, re-edit appearance is gone. Uh....what? My girl is now a guy, the base male Mi'qote, didn't get to mess with details because it didn't let me in, was probably going to go Hyur anyways, and not the edit option is gone....

I email support. They respond back with "sorry but you *did* edit your character. So there's not really an issue."

I contact the phone support. After explaining exactly what happened and why I'm kinda mad I'm out $10, and want a replacement/refund, I'm told I'm essentially SOL, they don't have a way to refund or give me another fantasia, and they deeply apologize, and I can re-purchase the fantasia and try again. Cool. Coolcoolcoolcool. Thanks guys. Really helped there.

I know this shouldn't sour my experience in game, because the game itself really has been quite enjoyable now that I've hit Heavensward content, but I've been sitting idle on my mount for the past 30 mins pissed off debating whether I want to keep playing if this is the support we get.

Thanks for reading my vent post.

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