Summer 2013


Watamote is excellent. As is Love Lab. Links go to the groups subbing the show. Best subs cause I know the guys working on the show in both groups.
I've fell in love with Probably as good as crunchy roll but without the subscription.

Been following Hunter x Hunter 2011 and Fight against Titan ( title could be wrong)
I'm not munch into Manga or Anime, but I do watch Detective Conan from time to time. I've actually picked up a bit of Japanese (actually a lot) from watching Conan. I'm working on some of the J-Dramas just for listening skills, which get better month by month. :)
I typeset anime for release through the Evetaku group. I've been with the group for two years. I just recently found out our work has been downloaded by over four million people. Depending on the group, I would pick a fansubbed release over Crunchyroll and licensed releases any day.

Val, the anime you're watching is called Attack on Titan (shingeki no kyoujin). I haven't watched it myself, but I hear that it's really good.
I typeset anime for release through the Evetaku group. I've been with the group for two years. I just recently found out our work has been downloaded by over four million people. Depending on the group, I would pick a fansubbed release over Crunchyroll and licensed releases any day.

Val, the anime you're watching is called Attack on Titan (shingeki no kyoujin). I haven't watched it myself, but I hear that it's really good.

Its really really good. Probably the only anime that leaves me wanting more every episode, in a long time. Watch it! Lol
I probably should have thrown this up there, but this is the OP for Watamote. Best OP this season. The humor is very much like Curb Your Enthusiasm. Cringe and laugh, basically.

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i dont follow a lot of anime, but i've been wanting to see the berserk film(s). the series was great. never got a chance to read the manga.
Does Avatar count for the anime thread? Cuz you guys, Avatar is the dopest shit.