Story Time (tl;dr Friend Gave Me A 1.0 Collector Box As A Gift)

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Met a guy in a random Apex Legends match almost 2 years ago and he sees I'm streaming. Says if we win, he'll follow me. We win. He follows me and is then my friend online all this time but we never met in person. I just moved into a new place and he mentions an FFXIV thing he wants to give me as a housewarming gift. He happens to be in my town last week for his job he travels around for and brings it with him. Come to find out it's a 1.0 Collector's Edition Box with all items in it, even digital item codes that expired years ago. Even has the one-time passcode device. He apparently doesn't remember how or when he got it, or even why, but it's been in his closet for years and saw that I'm a fan of this game so he wanted me to have it. Just wanted to share with you all!

submitted by /u/Kiurin
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