[spoilers To 5.3] Shadowbringers Made Me Feel Hopeful

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I know that’s cheesy to say, but it did. I’ve enjoyed this game’s story a lot, but this expansion hit me on such a visceral, emotional level.

I struggled with substance abuse in the past and go through depressive episodes a lot, and I get misanthropic whenever I have said episodes. Sometimes it feels like life is nothing but meaningless struggle and conflict. It’s kind of like how Emet Selch and Elidbus see sundered beings— that they never learn and aren’t worthy of the world.

But the scions and allies push back against it and believe that they have a right to exist. They believe in mortals’ determination and ability to come together and grow. Some might say it’s overly optimistic about people, but the writing is so heartfelt in my opinion that it made me believe that while we can do bad things to each other and the world, we can also do so much good. I guess that’s why I teared up so much throughout

It was inspiring to see characters, both protagonists and antagonists, never give up on their hopes and dreams, even when things were stacked against them. I heard the storytelling in FFXIV was good before I started, but this blew me away.

With lockdowns in place around the planet, it’s easy to feel isolated and hopeless. I know I have. After beating Shadowbringers, I feel I want to keep moving forward and do good. For those we have lost. For those we have yet saved.

I’m sorry if this is snobby, overly sentimental, or too personal. I just wanted to jot down my thoughts and share after being caught up on the MSQ. Can’t wait for Endwalker!

submitted by /u/dw42069
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