[spoilers] Be Warned! This Game Has Made Me Paranoid During The Story Scenes.

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First time play through. Casual player. I'm at the part that Moenbryda starts reminiscing on a pleasant topic. I recall thinking "hmm. They're really bringing this character into the fold here. We're starting to see more....... uh oh...."

Sure enough, a bit later, dead.

Now as I'm bridging the gap from HW to SB I find myself suspecting that EVERYTHING is about to happen to Aymeric. He winces from the knife wound, shit he's internally bleeding and going to fall after some victory and moving speech. No? Oh hell! A dragon or Estinien is going to wipe him out. Wait, he survived. What's this? A dinner? Wine?? AH HA! Poison! The butler sdid it!

Yeah I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop I'm missing out on the other stuff lol. Anyone else do this?

submitted by /u/GreatPlainsAquarist
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