[spoilers]about To Enter Shadowbringers, Had Some Story Questions To Clear Up.

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So I'm not sure if I'm supposed to totally understand what's going on at this point or not. Was wondering if some things could be clarified:

During the whole HW post-game story, what was Urianger's plan, exactly? To... introduce the Warriors of Darkness to Hydaelen/Minfilia? From my understanding, a calamity is consuming their world, which is the First right? And that's like, a light calamity? And sending Minfilia to the First would help that somehow? I didn't really get what his whole gambit was about.

The Ascians want to restore the source with all the shards, and that has something to do with awakening Zodiark, right? And the Emperor is against the Ascians, but he also wants to restore the source because that would create some kind of Ubermensch, which could presumably fight the Ascians? So he's against them, but wants the same thing?

What, exactly, does summoning have to do with the calamities? That's never really been clear to me. It's like, get beastmen to summon primals, have said primals killed, ????, profit. I'm unclear on the whole thing.

submitted by /u/JakalDX
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