Spiritbond Should Be Allowed To "overflow" Past 100% As A Quality-of-life Improvement

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Due to the various Spiritbonding changes that have been made since 5.20, I think that Spiritbond on items should be allowed to reach 200%, similar to personal item repairs being able to reach 200% Condition.

My reasoning for this is the following:
  • As of 5.30, Spiritbond is not granted from defeating individual enemies, but instead only upon completing an instanced duty.
  • Therefore, it is possible to have an item reach, for example, 97% Spiritbond, and now be completely unable to increase this further without completing an entire duty.
  • Now, let's say that a given duty is granting, for example, 35% Spiritbond per completion. You are now forced to waste 32% of a Spiritbond and an entire, eg, Dungeon run just to pick up 3% bond and be able to reset the item back to 1%. This feels punishing and frustrating.
If items were allowed to "overflow" Spiritbond in the same way that they can "overflow" Condition, then this situation would be alleviated: the item in the given example would overflow to 132% Spiritbond, and then be reduced to 33% (132% minus 99%) upon Extraction.

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