Sos Newbie

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Hey everyone, I'd just like to give context my SOS :

I am 30 years old and have never played any video game until recently when I started really getting into it. What really got me into RPG is Divinity Original Sin.

Also dabbled in WoW but I hadn't yet found pleasure in playing RPG when I tried WoW.

Anyways, my dilemma is that I have very much fallen in love with RPGs in general, and I just started being able to decently maneuver my character (Thanks to my hubby training me to play League Of Legends)

now I've been attempting to watch 'beginner guides' on youtube for FFXIV and find myself unable to decipher the language used, I tried watching and realized that the terms he used to explain FFXIV vocab, well were also foreign to be.

Example: Raid (now I could guess was this was) however I was unsure of what it meant in this context, did it mean being attacked by a group of enemies? Did it mean we were doing a raid? where was this raid happening? would I know that I was in a raid when I got there? if not how do I know? My hubby kindly specified that this meant doing a dungeon with other players.

As much as my hubby is very excited about my new obsession for RPGs, he does not have the time to teach me EVERYTHING considering that I only started getting interested in video games about 3 years ago (Life is Strange > Telltales > WoW > Divinity > Divinity 2 > Diablo 3 > League of Legends > FFXIV)

Prior to this, I have 0 knowledge of anything, I grew up with a mother that insisted that video games would melt my brains and that books were the only appropriate pass time for a young respectable lady.

To get to the point, sorry, I feel the need to explain myself in order for anyone willing to help to understand my level of newness to EVERYTHING.

I am having a hard time finding sources to help me on my steep learning curve. Where may I be able to find articles/videos on MMORPG/video game lingo, in general, to help me understand these 'beginner-friendly' guides on youtube.

I was told this community was one of the nicest in the gaming universe, and I'm excited to start my FFXIV journey on the right foot :)

PS : currently playing LVL 25 Rogue

submitted by /u/RagdollMimi
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