Show Your Support For Carbuncle Fairy Glamours!

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Calling all Scholars,

I understand this may have been shot down for lore reasons in the past, but I think in lieu of changes since 5.0, it might be worth seeing if anyone would show their support for being able to glamour Eos and Selene as a Carbuncle.

My thoughts behind this are that since 5.0 released, Eos and Selene have simply become glamour on their own, so why not loosen the restraints a little and allow Scholars glamour Carbuncles like a certain Academician we know?

Indeed, our friend Alphinaud is essentially a Scholar that uses his own special Carbuncles: Moonstone and Obsidian, respectively. And while these Carbuncles use a combination of attack and support abilities, I do not see why these 2 could not simply be used as Glamours for Eos and Selene. We've come a long way with Alphinaud and I think it would be very endearing if, for example, a little level 80 quest for sch/smn where he teaches us to glamour our fairy!

After all, fairies enjoying glamours is not without precedence in the lore, rather it is something they most certainly enjoy and employ often! Perhaps it could be both Alphinaud and a fairy visiting the Crystarium that could take notice of Lily and teach her a thing or two?

Like this post to show your support for Carbuncle fairy glamours so we may one day live out our Academician Fantasies!


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