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I've just finished the mobile layout for the site. I believe it should be working well for most phone / tablet screen resolutions.

For those who've never heard of it, basically a giant spreadsheet of extremely detailed data tables to help with crafting leves. The guide shows you exactly which leves to do, what you need to craft, how to craft it all, how many materials you'll need, and how many/where to get all of those materials--all in a single table:

ARMORER Lv 40 leve data

That's what the majority of the guide is at this point, anyway; I'm currently expanding it to cover other not-crafting-leve things. The next thing I'll be adding to the guide is data for crafting quests as well as adding in additional item data to cover the ENTIRE gathering log.

If you experience any issues with it on your device, please message me and let me know what device you're using; I'll work on getting it fixed quicklyish!

If you have any questions / comments / whatevers, feel free! =)


submitted by /u/Rg_RANDROID
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