Working on my next update to ShadesGuide.com, which I'm planning to release this upcoming Saturday:
Because everyone NEEDS to know exactly where to go to farm Grey Pigments!
I'm adding in ALL materials (even the completely useless ones) so that the current item list FULLY covers the ENTIRE Gathering Log for Miners and Botanists!
For those who've never heard of it, ShadesGuide.com basically a giant spreadsheet of extremely detailed data tables to help with crafting leves. The guide shows you exactly which leves to do, what you need to craft, how to craft it all, how many materials you'll need, and where/how to get all of those materials--all in a single table:
Armorer Lv 40 leve data
I'm currently on my lunch break work, but I wanted to post a quick update to let you guys know what I plan to release in a few days.
Have a good one!
submitted by /u/Rg_RANDROID
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