(mobile) Progress!

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For those who've never heard of it, basically a giant spreadsheet of extremely detailed data tables to help with crafting leves. The guide shows you exactly which leves to do, what you need to craft, how to craft it all, how many materials you'll need, and how many/where to get all of those materials--all in a single table:

ARMORER Lv 40 leve data

That's what the majority of the guide is at this point, anyway; I'm currently expanding it to cover other not-crafting-leve things. The next thing I'll be adding to the guide is data for crafting quests.

I'm still pretty new to web development, and I spent most most of my weekend working on the mobile-friendly version of the site (and cleaning up the site code in general). (For those interested in web development, this video helped me out a LOT!)

I really wanted to have this done in time to publish the update this weekend, but it'll have to wait another day or so.

Here's what it looks like so far:

That menu icon did NOT want to center vertically for the longest time

Anyway, I wanted to post this to let people know that I'm still working hard on this.

If you've got any comments / feedback / whatever, please don't hesitate to share! =)


submitted by /u/Rg_RANDROID
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