Setting up a LAN Party...Wirelessly?


More things change the more they stay the same.
Ultima Legacy
So, I'm in college now. I'm in a dorm with a bunch of video game players. Unfortunately, most play stuff like 360 and Wii and PS3 and junk.

A good number of us want to play a PC game wirelessly for our dorm, however. The task has fallen unto me, basically, to create a network that people of my dorm can join for a game. I suggested Team Fortress 2 to be that game, and I suggested a date - they told me to make it happen.

I have access to a bunch of stuff and resources, but I don't know how to make this happen. Can I create a central hub to do this? Wireless is kinda iffy in our dorms at the moment, so we could all probably connect through Ethernet in our rooms.

So ... based on that, is it possible to get something going? Forgive me, I dunno how to do it, but I wish to learn. That is the point of college after all. (though everyone else seems to think it is getting laid... shallow peoplez)
Get back to your homework!:shades02:
School just started! I'm way ahead on my reading and I have straight A's. I r gud student ;;