Science Behind Male and Female Gamers (Wait, there's no girls on the intrawebs)

I'll be honest. The title intrigued me when I first saw it, so I clicked on the link. I read up until the point they said they tested a whole 22 people in this "scientific study".

I promptly stopped reading the article.
I'll be honest. I entered this forum, then I saw that Puss was posting. I promptly stopped reading the forum. :tounge-1:
Spin it to the aunt that he could be a major jeweler, selling bling to the pop idol types, a la' Jacob the Jeweler, or the younger guy in NY that does all the official NBA bling stuff.

I like that idea... solid. 'Cept I think Justin just likes wearing it. Not selling it. Heehee... ^^;;

Amazing! I have a cousin named Justin who just came out to everyone a few months ago that he is gay!

Shhh... I won't tell her that part. If my cousin is gay, that's fine by me. It's only his parents that seem to have issue with the idea. But I'm pretty sure Justin isn't. He seems to like girls, and because he's cute and well manicured, they like him too. So I think he falls into the "metrosexual" category.

Hey! While we have a thread here for posting strange gender based studies, I found this one really... odd.

High Heels Boost Women's Sex Life

I heard about this on the radio this morning and made me giggle. They're a "family-friendly" station, and were trying to ask women about it subtly. How they tip-toe'd around it made me laugh my ass off. "So you wear heels? How often do you visit Ooohio?" "So when you visit Ohio, would you say it's ah uh... good trip?"

Again, I think this study is another case of "correlation does not imply causality". They're not taking into account the women's personalities, love lives, or try making them not wear heels for a month and seeing if they have the same results... but the theory behind this one is interesting to say the least.