Science Behind Male and Female Gamers (Wait, there's no girls on the intrawebs)


Ranger God
I'll be honest. The title intrigued me when I first saw it, so I clicked on the link. I read the first paragraph and as a male I scanned the rest of the page looking for pictures but only found more words.

I promptly stopped reading the article.
I'll be honest. The title intrigued me when I first saw it, so I clicked on the link. I read the first two paragraphs and as a female and thought it was complete bullshit they were trying to create a scientific backing for. I was quite sure these were the type of folks who contribute to the myth that women aren't as good at math or science because their brains aren't inclined to it.

I promptly stopped reading the article.
I think the idea behind it is more that they are showing that man has been conditioned like a Pavlovian dog throughout history to perform at more dominating extreme. Hunter/gatherer, strong survive, etc. I did a similiar study for my senior psych experiment. Unfortunately the statistical data was offset showing not much of a finding in todays socity.
Correlation does not imply causality.
Correlation does not imply causality.
Correlation does not imply causality.

It's not like they're motivated "because" they're male. The reality is much more complex and probably has a lot to do with the different influences on average boys and girls as they grow up (even something as simple as giving a child a set of legos vs. a barbie doll - think about it).

Correlation does not imply causation... (think I posted that somewhere here before)
Post hoc ergo propter hoc
But I agree its a lot to do with the societal upbringing and what is exceptable for the genders. Example, its ok for little boys to fight, girls shouldn't, therefore it creates a distressed emotional state where they can't openly distinguish their anger. This is visable in the fact, two guys don't like each other, they go outside fight, and then buy each other a beer. I to this day do not understand why females will be friends in person to females they hate behind their backs.

Side note, challenge to the first person who can tell me who made the amygdala famous. Prize will be a video of Aa singing karaoke.
Heinrich Kluver.

Hmm, good answer, but someone a little more normal, well atleast he was at one point. I will give you a hint, his skull is at the Smithsonian.
One can only wish.
I will see if there is an answer by the time I get back to work tomorrow, so roughly 13hours from right MEOW
Yeah, that's why the article annoyed me. They're oversimplifying this big time to say that brain differences in the genders are the "cause" of it. They didn't even attempt to account for nature vs. nurture.

They only looked at 22 people. And abysmally small study. They didn't question them about their hobbies it appears. Were any of those 11 women "gamer girls"? I doubt it. We're a rare breed. ^^ Did they give them any kind of psychological evaluations to check how assertive/aggressive their personalities were? I also doubt it. And it appears they didn't test any games besides the one for taking territory. Instead of competitive, why not test a cooperative game?

I think had they taken these extra steps, they'd find people, both men and women, that were more aggressive would be more motivated in the competitive game for taking territory. Maybe folks who were less assertive would be more motivated in a cooperative game.

It just so happens to be, thanks to social conditioning, that men are groomed to assert themselves and prove dominance over others. Women are taught to be nurturers and all get along. Most video games revolve around competition, so... duh. You find plenty of motivated girls in games that require social networking and cooperation *coughMMOscough*.

The only cool skull I can think of with the Smithsonian is the crystal one. Which reminds me of Leonard Nimoy because he narrated this old show, "In Search Of..." that used to air on A&E, and the crystal skull was in one ep, and the ending credits. Damn did I love that show. Leonard Nimoy is so fucking cool. No, really. If it wasn't him, whoever made the amygdala famous was probably some celebrity diagnosed with bipolar or borderline personality disorder and that got the word out.
Correlation does not imply causality.
Correlation does not imply causality.
Correlation does not imply causality.

It's not like they're motivated "because" they're male. The reality is much more complex and probably has a lot to do with the different influences on average boys and girls as they grow up (even something as simple as giving a child a set of legos vs. a barbie doll - think about it).

Speaking of the whole legos thing... a few years ago I was in the toy store looking for some new Star Wars Legos for myself and I overheard a couple of women talking about legos as a gift and one of them said "Too bad we cant get these for her... but she's a girl" I so wanted to go smack them upside the head!! THEY obviously thought the Legos were cool, so why would they think the child in question wouldn't just because she wasn't gifted with a penis at birth? If I have a daughter she's get all sorts of toys, as many cars as dolls, legos as play kitchens ect... and when she shows a preference to one or the other then she'll get more of that kind (even if it is dolls... God would like to saddle me with a girlie girl-because I surely wouldn't know what to do with her!)
I'll be honest. The title intrigued me when I first saw it, so I clicked on the link. I read the first two paragraphs and as a kitteh I found myself searching for pictures of small rodents, catnip, or tips on how to stop eating the bait when I go fishing. I will fuck up your couch, that is my territory. I was quite alarmed to find this article contained alsolutely nothing representing anything dealing with kitteh culture.

I promptly stopped reading the article.
(even if it is dolls... God would like to saddle me with a girlie girl-because I surely wouldn't know what to do with her!)

Amazing! That's my fear as well about having any daughters ; ;

And yeah, the reason why those moms were weird wasn't because the girl wouldn't like legos. But underneath, heaven forbid they go outside expected social conditioning. Like I remember some years ago my aunt was worried that my cousin Justin liked jewelry quite a bit.

She was terrified he was going to become "gay" or something. They've tried to steer his interest in a gemological sort of way (haha science). See if maybe he'd be interested in grading diamonds or whatnot. I can't say if it's a success or not, pretty sure not since he wears necklaces and has his ears pierced. I'm secretly proud of him, even though I don't bother with jewelry myself. Fuck social conditioning! ^.^
I was tempted to say Charles Whitman until you said that his skull was at the Smithsonian.

Honestly I didn't even know there were skulls of modern day people in the Smithsonian, I thought it was mostly fossilized skulls from historical eras.
She was terrified he was going to become "gay" or something. They've tried to steer his interest in a gemological sort of way (haha science). See if maybe he'd be interested in grading diamonds or whatnot. I can't say if it's a success or not, pretty sure not since he wears necklaces and has his ears pierced. I'm secretly proud of him, even though I don't bother with jewelry myself. Fuck social conditioning! ^.^

Spin it to the aunt that he could be a major jeweler, selling bling to the pop idol types, a la' Jacob the Jeweler, or the younger guy in NY that does all the official NBA bling stuff.
Well the answer to my question is Phineas Gauge, railroad worker who had a steel tamp blast through his skull, splitting his frontal lobe and disecting his amygdala which miracuously he lived, but would go into sudden spirts of uncontrolable emotional states ranging from all spectrums.

Note, apology, his skull is no longer at the Smithsonian, but Harvard Medical School, my mistake, and I know you all would have answered properly if you had this information.

Oh, just so Arch will read this
Wow, this stirred up the MB a bit.

I'd also like to go on record as saying I don't support or have anything against this study. I just thought it was interesting.
Too late, you're a biggot sexist who feels the female brain is inferior to that of the male due to their lack of mental responsiveness during gameplay interaction.
Amazing! That's my fear as well about having any daughters ; ;

And yeah, the reason why those moms were weird wasn't because the girl wouldn't like legos. But underneath, heaven forbid they go outside expected social conditioning. Like I remember some years ago my aunt was worried that my cousin Justin liked jewelry quite a bit.

She was terrified he was going to become "gay" or something. They've tried to steer his interest in a gemological sort of way (haha science). See if maybe he'd be interested in grading diamonds or whatnot. I can't say if it's a success or not, pretty sure not since he wears necklaces and has his ears pierced. I'm secretly proud of him, even though I don't bother with jewelry myself. Fuck social conditioning! ^.^
Amazing! I have a cousin named Justin who just came out to everyone a few months ago that he is gay!