Sch Checkup

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Okay so it's been awhile since I posted one of these threads...

Last night, I had a "tank" in Castrum Abania who was severely under-geared. The dude was wearing almost full Lv60 Poetics in Castrum Abania (the 260s... not the upgraded 270s) along with a couple Shisui pieces IIRC.

I managed to get through the whole thing with only 1 death that I remember (the tank at the end of the 2nd boss when he ate a tankbuster right after another hit, not much I coulda done there).

At some point in the video, I think right after the 2nd boss, I pull up his equipment sheet and discovered all the poetics gear and I was like "OOOH, no wonder this guy is made out of cardboard..."

I don't claim to be a master SCH or anything, but I sure as heck felt like one when we defeated the last boss with nobody getting killed (well he did cheat with Superbolide at the end, but still). I was sure that Inferno was going to rip him to pieces. Having to dump all of those extra heals on the tank made it difficult to keep everybody else up, but I did it... somehow.

I know I keep forgetting about my fairy cooldowns (really wish SE would go back to making those automatic), but anything else I am doing wrong/not doing?

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