Samurai 6.0 Hopes, Dreams, Speculation, Sky Pie.

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Every other job seems to have one, so why not samurai? Well, besides the obvious answer of samurai at 80 is immaculate, what would, or even could, they add or subtract to or from the job without wrecking it? Well here's a thread for that. Gonna break my screed into 3 sections: abilities culled, QoL fixes, new abilities. We all know things basically have to get culled because my sam bars are at 33 buttons and that is just samurai abilities and role skills. Just no room without culling. Other 2 self-explanatory.

Abilities culled:
1. Merciful Eyes - It sucks. Wrap the healing effect into third eye itself. Maybe Seigan if the spaghetti code would allow this ability to fire without a target while still being an attack, but that's so fiddly and inelegant. Nonetheless, while it's saved my life on rare occasions, I can't see this surviving.

2. Hissatsu: Senei - Button is legitimately pointless. They should have just changed Gurren to do this much damage to one target and probably added damage drop-off to compensate. Or just roll the potency in elsehwere. The animation rules though, please replace Seigan's animation with this animation.

3. Kaiten - I realize this is the only reason there is any friction at all in the samurai kit up until Tsubame, but what does it really add? It's just a matter of being able to remember, "Don't spend kenki unless you have >30 of it" which is not complicated. I feel like it is an unintuitive ability to newbies and it also just makes everything from levels 52 to 62 feel terrible because you don't generate enough kenki to kaiten for higenbana and midare in your opener. I think they need to find a more interesting way to add friction to the kenki gauge than this.

Honorable mention: Shoha. I think the ability is fine, and it's got a sick animation, but I am holding a grudge because it required kasha and gekko potency nerfs and I think I would rather have that potency back to be honest instead of this button that is no thought, just muscle memory.

QoL Fixes

1. For the love of all that is good and holy please just move fuga down to level 15. This more or less also applies to the first ae's for dragoon and ninja as well, and also smn now that I think about it. It's real stupid that some jobs have aoe more or less from the get-go and other's don't.

2. Combine kenki mastery 1 and 2 into 1 trait, give it at 52. Kenki mastery is literally the light switch on the job that takes it from meh, it's ok, to this is a cool and fun job. The level range between kenki mastery 1 and 2 sucks and is lousy and that's a whole expansion's worth of content. Also, if they do delete kaiten, they'd need to move shinten down to 52 to replace it.

3. Enpi no longer breaks melee combo. This is such a no brainer that I can only assume it doesn't do this because if it did it went melt the server or something.

New abilities

I actually don't have anything! Maybe I will think of something later. Right now the only thing coming to mind is a 20 kenki ability on a timer that's just shinten but better to replace the loss of kaiten while keeping the same rough feel of being ashort term thing you need to manage your gauge for, but I kinda hate it. Semi Joke answers of upgrades for kasha, gekko, and yukikaze. Give me more flower petals on kasha, let me drop small moons on people like Fujitora, and I dunno, give yukikaze some cool ice thing from e8s or whatever.

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