Samurai 5.1 Thoughts?

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I can't seem to find what the census is on this class now. I like that I can use Shoha far more often but I feel they took away some power from this class and gave it to DRG.

I'm progging Hades EX and I feel that despite my best efforts, popping potions and using good food I feel that I'm trailing behind somewhat. Maybe I'm comparing myself to people who do savage raids and have better gear. Granted, my ilvl is 462 and not one piece is below 460. Just don't have the time for savage anymore, EX trials are basically my only endgame now.

My opener I can manage to fit in three midares, shoha, and senei in a single STR infusement (or whatever they're called.) I might get lucky for a second shoha if I'm fast enough. Probably not the most optimal, but it works for me.

Before someone says "just go MNK", I'm a former MNK that switched because I just can't click with the constant changes, so what are your thoughts on the "improved" samurai?

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