Salvage Points System

I had one particular concern about the points system. Freak, you said that you wanted the system to be fair and not penalize someone who might, for exmaple, loses internet for a weekend and can't make Salvage:

The reason i prefer point system over attendance system myself is because Person A could of gone to 50 salvages and got no drops then maybe loses internet a week then comes back in my opinion that person has put his time in he doesnt deserve to have to build himself up again.

My concern is that, with the point system set up the way it is, there is virtually no way to catch up to others in terms of points which, in fact, does penalize someone that can't make it. For example, say you and I are lotting Ares. I lost internet this weekend and my first run apparently didn't count. You (freak), on the other hand, have 5 points so far (I believe). Assuming we have crap luck and niether of us get something, we are always separated by 5 points until something drops. Is that really fair to prevent someone from lotting? I'd hate to see someone who deserves a 35 piece get screwed over by someone who just started just because they were short 1 point.
They had to earn the points i guess so in a sense they deserve to win. I'm sure a points system won't make it easy for anyone who just joined to win 35 gear ;p
I can see your point Magos but I think you need to look at things over a longer period of time.

There are many tiers of points, and at the moment everyone is just working up to tiers, nobody is at any yet, nobody is losing points, drops have been bad so nobody is getting extra, etc. Need to think of it more like how will this be playing out a few months from now. It's always a rocky start to some extent until you have a proper spread.
Yeah, when the DX point system started, there was a lot of strategizing on pieces. Should I lot this piece and have no chance for the one I really want? How many points can I spend while still keeping enough for that Beaucedine run in two weeks? I'm sure I wasn't the only one adding up points and checking to see if I'd be able to lot with everyone else while still lotting on a piece in an earlier run.

And now that DX has gone on for a while, it's just not an issue. If you're just starting, you may need to be parsimonious on spending points for lesser pieces, but if you go for a while (consistently or not), you eventually reach the point where it's not a big issue.

Maybe it will take longer to happen since the point tiers are higher and such, but it will get there.
Hmm well my other concern is that a point system would lead to cherrypicking. Say for example we all hit the 30 point tier. There's not much to stop me from cherrypicking Arrapago, hypothetically, if the only thing I'm after is a 35 piece. I'm not saying that anyone in the group in particular would do this but, as the points go higher, I'm afraid we might see less and less attendance.
No matter what yah do in salvage u cant make everyone happy it really sucks tbh between having to choose certain paths each run to the BS of mad bomber being only 50/50 chance in bhauflau to the possibility we wont see a 35 drop for months sometimes.Then throw in the always crap luck of cell drops not being in your favor or boss's not dropping the 25s u need to complete pieces.I can go on and on about how salvage is a bitch.Its not for the normal player its for the hardcore who rly want the gears that come from it if your not hardcore about it you probably wont ever get anything unless u get rly lucky.
How many people are needed to do salvage successfully? It sounds like the kind of thing I'd rather do in a static if everything can be 6-man'd.

6 man salvage if proper jobs is a cakewalk and in my opinion id LOVE a static 6 man group.Ive tried for so long to make this happen but getting 6 people on the exact same scedule EVERY day to do salvage is almost impossible.Theres always 1 guy who cant show up for some reason so u get screwed and add a 7th person to static in case.Then 2 people cant show up for some reason and it just keeps going like that.Only the jps seem to be able to get a true 6 man everyday static going.
Everyday is kinda @_@
Ah cherry picking got to love it.If u got 30 points and deceide to cherry pick for one item.Then your rly a jackass tbh and i will notice this as will everyone else and noone will want to do salvage with you.If whole group thinks someone is cherry picking and deceides to not let that person go then lol at that person.
Everyday is kinda @_@

Like i said yah got to be hardcore!

Take for example last week we did a 6 man run on a day that a few deceided it was too much and didnt go.That was the one day 35's finnaly deceided to drop and wham the nonhardcore people got screwed ><
Ah cherry picking got to love it.If u got 30 points and deceide to cherry pick for one item.Then your rly a jackass tbh and i will notice this as will everyone else and noone will want to do salvage with you.If whole group thinks someone is cherry picking and deceides to not let that person go then lol at that person.

Haha touche! :bfg: I'll be quiet now.
getting 6 people on the exact same scedule EVERY day to do salvage is almost impossible.
That's why I'm looking forward to a group who doesn't have to go every day. Peoples' lives are made of multiple components, not just a single one like FFXI. I was happy to see an assault group forming whose plans were just 4 runs a week on Sunday. It gives flexibility to those who can't commit to every day, or use up every possible assault tag, or whatever.

I'm glad Freak's group is getting good stuff. I'm hoping we'll get another group going that also gets good stuff, just at a slower pace (and that allows for more sleep! @_@).
The way we handle our Nyzul static might help a little bit freak. We run two times a week, and if one person can't make a run, we pull in someone from outside to come. If more than one person can't make it, we scrap the run, and obviously if it becomes a habit of missing, then the person ought to step down from the group.

I think it's a nice system that allows for personal circumstance while keeping it mostly within the true group. I definitely can't imagine doing salvage every night, two times a week seems normal to me. Is it even possible to make 2k AP a day?

Remnents Permits have been lowered to 1.5k in past updates, and you can get about 1600 from some runs if you do them well.
Personally I would love to come everyday. But it is impossible for me to come everyday when the run doesn't start to 1 AM and I have to wake up at 7-8 am. There is just no way I can go on 4-5 hours of sleep every night.

Very happy things are working out for you guys so far but I think that is the biggest problem with these runs for most people.
sorry im not gonna be able to keep everyone happy its the way it is.what isnt good for your scedule is good for anothers and whats good for someone elses wont be for someone elses.and pshh i get plenty of sleep and balance rl just fine doing salvage everyday.not lookin to need anything to work this is workin just fine atm we have had more then enough people on recent runs and people r starting to work well together at this point i prolly wont allow anyone who doesnt have points alrdy go to a run cause we dont need anymore! raWr
If the majority of the runs are too late for people still when i return i wouldn't mind a couple of early runs 2-3 times a week and more then happy to organise them if need be.

If anything i would rather a static group of people like Benny's Nyle Group.