

The crappy RNG
Ultima Legacy
Anyone going to Sakuracon this year? I figured since I was working in Vancouver (At EA Canada) this term I'd make the drive down to Seattle and check it out. Anyone from the area who can point me in the direction of good places to eat/places to stay/and exactly where the convention is being held?

BTW, how are things in FF? I'm considering activating my account again but I'm curious to what is new in the expansion and really if anything is different from when I left.

I'm going to be there, I'm about an hr outside of Seattle right now staying with a friend til the con starts. Fodder is in the area as well and we were gonna get together for good food and such for sure. I'll PM my #, but good luck getting me before Thursday cuz there's no such thing as reception in the wild mountains of rural washington.

Excellent. I'll probably be arriving on Friday evening sometime. Depends how long it takes me to get across the stupid border. What's the legal drinking age in Washington?
21 in the US.

Pixiehawk and I are planning to go up but something came up with family so I'm not sure what's happening now.

I'm going to be there, I'm about an hr outside of Seattle right now staying with a friend til the con starts. Fodder is in the area as well and we were gonna get together for good food and such for sure. I'll PM my #, but good luck getting me before Thursday cuz there's no such thing as reception in the wild mountains of rural washington.


I hope the registration line for Sakuracon is much shorter than anime boston. some people waited 10hrs just to get their badge. Reg people dropped the ball at anime boston.
Wow. Last year the line was long but it moved pretty fast. Maybe not many people pre-registered at AB08? 10hrs is pretty insane though...

Looking forward to finally being back in the city proper tomorrow :) dwo, fod, see you guys soon (hopefully eti&pix too if you guys manage to work it into your schedules)!

Wow. Last year the line was long but it moved pretty fast. Maybe not many people pre-registered at AB08? 10hrs is pretty insane though...

Looking forward to finally being back in the city proper tomorrow :) dwo, fod, see you guys soon (hopefully eti&pix too if you guys manage to work it into your schedules)!


~7000 pre-reg according to the forums for anime boston.
the line on friday was ridiculously long. the apparently only have 5 "self service" kiosks which apparently took a long time per person. they also didn't have alot of people at registration as well.

When I finally got my badge on Saturday, there were 5 self service kiosks as well as 8? more people handling transactions. In all... no more than 15 people doing the work. I know for a fact, anime expo has 20+ people doing registration alone. Anime Boston totally dropped the ball in this one. They "claim" its an aberration but seriously... it seemed as if they didn't even prepare nor had the ability to scale up when capacity needed it.

Some people did wait 10+ hours. On friday they pretty much missed all the events they wanted to go to just to be in line. Pathetic.
That doesn't sound promising at all. I haven't even ordered my badge or whatever, I was planning to do it there on Friday. My past experience at expos in Canada was the pre-reg lines being longer and taking longer than the regular line-ups. Oh well, I hope it goes well.
The pre-reg line took longer than the reg line last year. I was in line for 2 hrs on Friday. I'm going to trek down tomorrow night, hopefully the line will be short(er).
Well speaking of conventions... I'm going to try and go to Anime Expo this year after 5 or so year hiatus. I've been watching alot of anime! >.> more than playing FF honestly.

I really only want to go to check out the dealer room to see what I can nab. I got this pretty cute chocobo plushie.

**Egads thats huge***
I'm not sure how to resize it smaller. Sorry... I've reduced the picture on photobucket on my end already so...
But I'm glad I went... I got two figurines from one of my favorite series.
Ehhh... Bennie I just logged into Forums for first time today in long time got PM and realized Sakuracon was now ; ; I wanted to go bad... but things have changed a bit since then. We'll hook up for Otakon this year for sure ;) More to come!
Yup. Eden and I are out this weekend. Looks like I'll catch you next year Ben. Fodd, we have some other friends up there so we're still planning to go up some time in the next few months. I'll let you know when anything happens.
So, working in the video games industry has its perks...but one of the big problems are creeping deadlines. I've been asked to work overtime on Friday (Ah, EA...keeping its reputation for harassing developers) so I will be arriving late Friday night/Saturday morning.

Sadly, the registration booth is closed at 9PM, and the earliest I can get there on Friday is 11PM. =/

Benny and Fodder, I'll contact you two when I arrive there.
Have fun sitting in line! Funny you mention developer abuse. The contractor my company hired didn't deliver their shit and now I get to build it - tomorrow! So much for a fun filled Friday at the con... :arg:
Thank god I'm in a situation where at least if I get called it can only be in the middle of the night. Dwo, Fod, you've both got my number so whenever you can get free get in touch! :) You know where I'll be.
