Run Times and Days


Whitegate Sloth
Since this group is a bit of a reboot with some new members and some long time members, I think it would be in our best interests moving forward to re-examine the times and days we choose to do our runs. It has become obvious that the Monday slot isn't going to work in either the long or short terms. If you could, please post in this thread times and days that you think would work better. Once I get some idea of what you guys are thinking, I will probably narrow down the choices and make a poll. Though, I want some sort of discussion about the matter first.
Best bet for me would be two runs on Sat at 1EST, and then a single run on Sun at 1EST. I'm crazy busy with other stuff during the week already.
Well, after talking it over with a few people, from this point on we are no longer going to do Monday night runs. I will move it to Sunday afternoon at 1 EDT.

I would also like to encourage anyone who is not able to make a run for whatever reason to please give me whatever notice you can. We are still lower on numbers than I would like, so everyone counts all of the time.
That works better with my game schedule, I just need to remember to get out of bed by 10am PST on the weekends :)
If you guys ever lose anyone, let me know. I never pursued it because of the monday thing before.
Thanks for the heads up, Nek.

E, you are more than welcome to join us. I would ask that you come whm more often than not, just so you know. We have been hurting on numbers since the CTB folks abandoned us all at once.