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I started playing recently, and even more recently, entered the RP scene, for i really enjoy it, and do RP similar to DnD with a couple of shmucks outside of the game, so ive enjoyed RP for a while, and knowing FF14 had a roleplay server got me really excited for it

so far, its been real fun, and theres not much i would say for the RP itself, however, i remenber my DM speaking about KOTOR(i think thats the one) and the stories he told, and i cant help but wish some of it to happen here as well

for context, i remenber him telling a story of how 2 officers in the Imperial army, some had the idea to inform a GM of it, and, in true RP fashion, one of the GMs showed up, as Darth Vader himself, imperial march playing in the background as he walks down the ile and asks "why wasnt i informed of this" ending with a force choke on the husband and a happy life before walking off.

Although he didnt stay long, it is forever engraved in my friends memory, and the reaction of the other RPrs as they saw Darth, was, from what i was told, shock and priceless

Although i know something so grand as having a GM roleplay a character is a bit far fetched, considering the size of the game and its community, one can dream, and it would be awesome to have something of the sorts implemented in some way

Another thing i would love to see, is RP PvE events, like, for example, a defence of the city, where someone (i presume a GM) would spawn countless hordes of random monsters, and the group would have to defend the city for example, no EXP or items dropped so it isnt game breaking, but, the ability to orchestrate events such as this one and others, across different places, i think it would be a really fun addition to the RP scene, and to the game itself

Thank you for your time, im sorry if it was confusing, and a bit lenghty, and im sorry if someone brought this up before and im repeating a post, but i wanted to leave this here

Have fun adventuring,

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