Rescue Suggestion

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Tonight while running a dungeon as a tank, I had a healer use Rescue on me 3 times during the run, intentionally trying to hurry the dungeon along. I know this was intentional because they were chatting "big boi, big pulls" as they were doing it.

I can manage 2-3 groups OK with a decent healer, but this was causing us to pull 5-6 groups, which was too much for me to manage.

I'm sure the intent of Rescue is to avoid a potentially bad scenario for a party member, but using it on the tank who is trying to control the battle can easily cause disorientation, or a need for the tank to pull more than they should to keep other party members alive, either of which can easily result in a wipe. This can happen whether it's being misused intentionally or unintentionally.

I don't think any party member should have the ability to move another party member anywhere. There are enough ways that some people can troll us in dungeons if they are so inclined - an ability like Rescue makes it exceedingly easy for them.

I will add that this is not the norm for me. Most of my in game experiences have been positive, including with healers.

I still would like to suggest to devs that they give players the option to reject Rescue being used on them if they wish to do so.

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