Repost from Alla - Need Smithing Help


Active Member
FC/Active Member
I'm doing a test to determine the subcraft requirement of a particular item. If you are interested in participating, please send me a tell in game. I will give 20k to anyone who participates and performs the required tasks (described below). To qualify you must:

A) Have Smithing 38 or higher
B) Have either Leathercraft, Woodworking, or both below Lv. 40.

What I will do is meet you in game, and ask for your exact Smithing, Leathercraft, and Woodworking skills levels and trade you a set of ingredients. You are to attempt to synth the ingredients, and tell me if you receive the message "That recipe is beyond your current skill level." Regardless of whether or not you were able to perform the synth, and regardless of whether or not you broke the synth and lost ingredients (if it let you synth), simply trade me back whatever is left from the items I traded you, and I will give you 20,000 gil.
