Reporting Bad Private Messages


Kitteh's Meow

Starting today, if you receive a PM with spam or other random crap, please use the "Report PM" button that is located just under the user postbit when viewing the message. The button looks like this:

The information will be sent to a mod forum to be dealt with.

I have received a few complaints about random/garbage PM's from some users. So, don't click on anything received from someone you don't know or trust... and of course, avoid sending private/sensitive info via PM.

Thanks! :D
i'd like to report aelfinn for sending me gay poems and music clips of him playing the guitar and crying in the background

Because when I go on IRC, the only conversation is once every 45 minutes someone will join and say HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII, and then leave the channel.
Yeah, shit died. That's a bummer. I would have liked to see an old school meet with everyone from circa 1998.