Removing War Aura Effect

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Hi, it's the first time I use this forum so I hope I'm doing this right.

Basically I'm a WAR main and the recent changes have made the class even better than it was to me. The only complaint I have, is that I hate the aura effect that is activated when the gauge isn't empty. It's a really bad effect, but the thing I hate the most is that it stays active even when mounted, or out of combat just doing random thins.
I know in the past SE has changed the aura that DRK has, so I really hope they do the same for WAR.

Whenever I ask people what they think about it I get answers like: "I don't mind it, I cange to another job and then back to WAR to reset it.", but that does mean they actually don't like it, and also why would I wanna have to change class every time just for that. Most people don't want to complain because they don't wanna be seen like a whiny baby, but if we don't say our opinion, things will never change.

Sorry for the long post, feel free to give your opinion on the topic.

Thanks and good-game :cool:

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