Que pasa?


'Former - Master Thief'
FC/Active Member
Just dropped through to see how the old fam is doing. =) How are you guys? Looks like everybody is in high spirits as usual hehe.

Currently in Iraq. Not as bad as my first tour.. but I find myself fighting boredom more then the insurgents lol. I try to occupy my time with books and vid games when I have the time. Also working on certifications for when I get back I can hit the job market running. That's about it though on my end. Sorry no "NO SHIT... THERE I WAS..." stories. haha not this time at least =P. I'll be heading back to the states in OCT for a 2 week break from this mess... and I'll be coming back for good sometime early 2010.. so about half way there... once again not as bad as in 05 where I spent 18 months away from fam... this time around it's only 12 lol.

Was refreshing to come back and see some of your posts lol.. still funny as ever... I miss it~

Got wind of the new FF MMO that's almost done.. a bit excited about that.. was wondering who's all gonna join in that fun when it rolls out.

I'd like to keep in contact with all of you so fill me in on all the excitement that's been goin' on in your lives.

Hiya Valgavv!

Glad to see that you are safe and that you'll be back much sooner than before.

Boredom may be better than the more riskier alternative.

Not that you can give out details, but when you pull out for good, will that be most of the troops getting out of there for good? or? Maybe depends on the Iraq forces...

Anyway, be safe and come back home soon. Maybe the economy will turn around before you get back and there will be more jobs available. You're probably not doing too bad pay-wise if you're getting hazard pay for what you are doing now.

Milt <3

God Bless ~.^ Boredom is horrid, a little glad you're bored. I'm with Aang, don't like the alternative either.

Hope someone sends you something cool to do ^.~

Take care,
Hey man! Glad to hear from you and that all is well. I'm definitely going to be hitting up FF14, but will see how much commitment it calls for haha.

Be safe in the rest of your time and hurry back so you can put all those certifications and skills to work back home.
Sup Valg! I'll definitely be playing FFXIV as well so hope to see ya in there next year.
Hoping you come home as safe as you left.
To answer your question Aang. I'm not entirely sure lol. I'm with an aviation unit, so as far as that goes, we'll always be needed until that last maneuver element leave. Can't tell what the Iraq army have in stored for us. I all do know and what I can tell you is that we are pulling out of major cities and allowing the Iraqi forces to take over full spectrum operations.

Which is good.. it should give the people more hope and confidence in their own military force. We are not, but a shadow of the Iraqi army as we move towards the president's goal of leaving Iraq.

For now though.. my group will be back for good sometime in early 2010. Can't wait lol. I'll be applying for some gov't IT positions probably a good couple months before I come back to at least start the process.. hopefully I'll bust out the Network+ cert before then.. actually I've been studying.. and I find it a lot less intimidating then I thought it would be.. maybe cuz a lot of it I've picked up doing my own thing lol. I'm busting out a chapter a day out of my CompTIA Network+ 2009 book.. so in theory, I should be ready to take the exam in a couple weeks to a month.. if I can do that.. I'll start working on A+ just to get that out of the way. (I've already gone through the full course.. just haven't taken the test yet). Then maybe .. if I feel brave enough lol.. get the CCNA book and start looking through that.. but that's only if I've completed the Net+ cert. Getting excited lol.

I saw some job postings for IT positions at US a military base in Japan Aang! lol not sure I'm ready for that though.. but thought about ya when I saw it.

Anyway~ glad to see you catz still keep me in mind lol.. I know it's been awhile Sass, Pito!, Aang, n Falk.. I'll definitely keep an eye out for this new FF14.. you'll see me there no doubt.. especially if I don't have to dedicate so much time to it lmao.. but I'll probably make time knowing me lmao!. It'll be cool sharin' adventures with you one mo gin (lmao funny Ebonics meaning "one more time" or literally translates to "one more again").

Anyway.. tell ya friends.. I'm lurking once more on the forums.. I'd like to hear from them. Ja ne!~
Hey Val, what's up man. Hope you keep on striving :)
no you arent valg lol im glad you are finding a good use for the time my brother isnt haha i think hes playing roller coaster tycoon 3 over there
It's good to hear from ya man, keep yourself safe and I hope you get yourself back stateside asap to make use of all of these newly learned skills.