Q About Puns For Quest Titles

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I have to admit I've been enjoying the puns. Some are terrible (I mean they are puns), but some are pretty creative or referencing some obscure piece of pop culture and can be pretty funny.

What I was wondering is if this is purely an invention of the translation or are there puns in the original Japanese?

I know Japanese puns can be a little different in structure to English ones due to the more visual nature of the language, but seem to recall reading that it is a popular form of comedy.

I guess an extention of this is whether or not other translations also have puns?

I find it interesting because translating puns is pretty much impossible as they are language specific so you'd have to come up with new ones in each language every time... which is a lot more work than just doing literal translations for meaning.

submitted by /u/Thelmadoo
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