Pvp Needs Another Garo-like Event

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I'm not saying we need to specifically bring GARO itself back (and I doubt it's feasible at all for legal/licensing reasons), but I think another long-term PvP event similar to it would restore a lot of life to PVP. I think GARO had a number of things going for it that a new, similar event would benefit from:
  1. First, it had a wide variety of rewards, which included a full gear set with weapons, titles, and three different mounts.
  2. The rewards were a mix of long term grinds (Makai Master, Raigo, etc) and short term rewards that could be obtained more quickly (Like if you only wanted a specific chest glamour or weapon).
  3. The rewards involved a mix of token grinding (buying weapons/armor via wolf marks) which gets people queuing regularly, and winning matches (the mounts) which means people have to put effort in and there's less people playing poorly because they'll get marks/their roulette bonus regardless.
  4. You could obtain the rewards via both Feast and Frontlines (in terms of wolf marks and racking up wins), but there were also a few specific to each, namely the FL/Feast-specific horses. Rival Wings wasn't a thing when GARO first launched, but if there's a new similar event, putting at least one reward behind winning RW matches would be a good idea too, I think.

I understand that it takes a lot of work on the devs' part to come up with an entire gear set/other rewards and model them and get them in game, so if something like this isn't already in the works, I won't expect it soon- But GARO provided a great many rewards that got people doing PvP, and if SE made a mistake, I think it was ending the event without any word on plans for something to replace it. Its absence is a not-insignificant factor in the longer queue times.

I won't argue if GARO should have been permanent or not- I personally don't really like event rewards that are unobtainable forever when the event ends, but I got what I wanted out of GARO and I'll be fine if it never returns. If we get a similar event, I think the amount of rewards devs need to make paired with PvP being niche in this game means the event spanning a few expansions, but not being permanent, is probably fine.

I also won't argue that GARO ending is the only reason PvP queues are terribly long right now, either. SE forcing 72-man matches is, IMO, probably a bigger problem when we're just talking about the length of queues, but there are already other threads discussing that.

I'm not too picky about what a new long-term PvP event should be. I think the GARO rewards fit neatly enough into the game's general aesthetic while still being unique and most people I know think the outfits looked pretty good. If SE wants to work out a licensing deal with another franchise, or even comes up with something all on their own, I think either would work just fine.

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