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[/FONT]faranim said:[FONT=Arial,Helvetica]Automaton Analysis 101[/FONT]
So, I spent most of my weekend doing a lot of testing as WHM75 / PUP33 to figure out how the Automaton AI works and what each attachment really does. I'm still missing a lot of data, but my document is already quite large (8 pages long). I've already made a large number of significant discoveries so I'm going to post what I have now.
I have a feeling the Excel Tables are going to lose their formatting and turn into a jumble of numbers. Hope it's not too bad...
Note: For simplicity I will often refer to the 4 Automaton types as follows:
Harlequin = RDM
Valoredge = PLD
Sharpshot = RNG
Stormwalker = BLM
This Guide is incomplete, with sections marked as “TODO†that require further testing before accurate conclusions can be drawn. If you have information to contribute, please do so!
1. Frames
a. Harlequin Frame
Average HP
Low MP
“C†Skill in all 3 categories (although it cannot perform a ranged attack)
Average stats, STR is slightly higher than the others
Delay: 318 – 321 (8.3 TP per hit)
Weaponskill: Slapstick (2 hit)
b. Valoredge Frame
Very High HP
“B†Melee Skill
High STR and VIT. Low INT and AGI.
Delay: 359-362 (9.3 TP per hit)
Weaponskill: String Clipper (2 hit)
Special Skill: Uses “Shield Bash†after enemy readies a TP attack. (gives 10% TP). Cooldown unknown (I just got this frame and hardly use it for testing)
TODO: Supposedly has a 2nd Weaponskill but I have not used this frame in a real party to ever have seen it. I belive it is called Chimera Ripper
TODO: Determine Shield Bash cooldown and ability to interrupt TP Attacks
c. Sharpshot Frame
Low HP
“D†Melee Skill
“B†Ranged Skill
Very high AGI.
Delay: 396-400 (10.2 TP per melee hit) / 359-362 (9.3 TP per ranged hit)
Weaponskill: Arcuballista (1 hit, despite being a X-Bow WS the Automaton must be within melee range or they will lose their TP and get “out of range†error)
d. Stormwalker Frame
Very Low HP
High MP
“E†Melee Skill
“B†Magic Skill
High MND and INT.
Delay: 396-400 (10.2 TP per hit)
Weaponskill: Slapstick (2 hit)
2. Heads
TODO: Determine other AI Effects of Head, possibly spell casting related. Tied to Attachment Research (particularly Scanner and Mana Booster)
a. Harlequin Head
Movement Pattern: Approach
b. Valoredge Head
Movement Pattern: Approach
c. Sharpshot Head
Movement Pattern: Maintain Distance.
d. Stormwalker Head
Movement Pattern: Maintain Distance.
3. Spell Usage:
The Automatons Spell Usage depends on the currently equipped Frame and Head. Obviously, the PLD and RNG Frames cannot be tested since neither has any MP.
The spell types are listed in the order in which they are checked when the Automaton’s Recast is ready. The Automaton will cast the very first spell that they can get to pass the required conditions. X / Y refers to X Head and Y Frame.
RNG/BLM : Cure
RNG/RDM : Cure, Debuff, Enfeeble
PLD/BLM : Cure
PLD/RDM : Cure
RDM/BLM : Cure, Debuff, Enfeeble
RDM/RDM : Cure, Enfeeble, Debuff
BLM/BLM : Cure, Debuff, Enfeeble, Elemental
BLM/RDM : Cure, Debuff, Enfeeble, Elemental
In the event that the Automaton has insufficient MP, they will use the best alternative that fills the same role rather than attempt to cast a different type of spell. For example, if the Automaton doesn’t have enough MP to cast Dia II, it will use Bio or Dia (as opposed to say, failing the Debuff check and casting an Enfeeble or Nuke instead).
a. Cure Pattern:
Automaton uses Healing Magic if proper conditions are met. For Cure Conditions, see Damage Gauge.
b. Enfeeble Pattern:
Automaton uses Enfeebling Magic if proper conditions are met. For Enfeebling Conditions see Scanner.
Enfeebles are checked in the order of Silence (fails if mob has no MP), Slow, Blind, then Paralyze.
c. Debuff Pattern
Casts strongest known debuff (Dia or Bio) or Poison if proper conditions are met. For Debuff Conditions see Scanner.
d. Elemental Pattern:
Uses strongest known Nuke. Because this is checked last, your Automaton will only nuke if it cannot meet any of the other conditions (Curing, Debuffing, or Enfeebling).
4. Attachment Analysis
Note: Unknown values will often be written as “XXâ€, “YY†due to lack of data, or something that cannot be reliably/easily tested.
a. Strobe – Increases Enmity, Occasionally Uses Provoke
Provoke: Automaton uses Provoke if at least 1 Fire Maneuver is active. 30 second cooldown.
Equip Effect: Enmity +XX
Fire Maneuver: Additional Enmity +YY per Active Fire Maneuver
b. Tension Spring – Enhances Attack
Equip Effect: Attack + XX
Fire Maneuver: Additional Attack + YY per Active Fire Maneuver
c. Inhibitor – Store TP, Improves TP Usage Efficiency
If attached, when Automaton reaches 100% TP if anyone else in the party also has 100% TP they will wait until somebody uses a WS before doing theirs. This will almost always ruin Skillchains so you should either not attach the attachment, or make sure to Retrieve the puppet before doing a Skillchain if their TP is over 100%.
If not attached, the puppet will use their WS shortly after reaching 100% TP.
Equip Effect: Store TP +5
Fire Maneuver: Additional Store TP +5 per Active Fire Maneuver
Note: Shield Bash gives 10 TP regardless of StoreTP
d. Mana Booster – Increases Frequency of Spell Use
I have thus far determined that each Head / Frame combo has a different recast time. I am trying to populate the chart below with data, but it is a very slow process due to my inability to maintain hate while testing as WHM/PUP, as well as the mobs dieing too fast (Automaton runs out of spells to cast)
TODO: Further Testing and confirmation of values
TODO: Check to see if Ice Maneuvers still reduce the recast time even if Mana Booster is not attached
Frame / Recast (sec) Unattached Attached 1x Ice 2x Ice 3x Ice
RNG/RDM 57 54 54 50 47.5
RDM/BLM 30 30 27 23?
BLM/BLM 26 23.5 23.5 20 17
e. Loudspeaker – Enhances Magic Attack
Calculated when spell goes off (just like real nukes)
TODO: Test! Make sure to note that Ice Maneuvers add +1 INT to the Automaton, which will also effect the spell damage.
Equip Effect: MAB + XX% (needs testing)
Ice Maneuver: Additional MAB + YY% per Active Ice Maneuver (needs testing)
Elemental Damage Formulas for BLMs [Reference Only]:
Damage = [(cINT - tINT) x TIM + SDC] x MAB x ESB x DWB
TIM = 1.0 for all Tier I and II nukes.
ESB = Elemental staff bonus (none on puppet)
DWB = day/weather bonus
SDC = base spell damage from chart below:
Spell Damage Constant (SDC)
Spell Earth Water Wind Fire Blizz Thunder
I 5 11 20 30 41 55
II 78 90 108 128 150 173
III 210 236 265 295 320 345
f. Scanner – occasionally Scans target’s magic resistances
I have also discovered that the Automaton checks their Enfeebles and Debuffs based on the monsters current HP. Enfeebling (Silence, Slow, Blind, Paralyze) and Debuffing (Bio/Dia, Poison) each have separate HP Threshholds.
It is likely that the threshold is lowered by the Scanner, as well as Ice Maneuvers. This explains the previously believed theories that the Scanner causes your Automaton to only use Enfeebling magic. In actuality, the Scanner (and Ice Maneuvers) decrease the HP Threshold, making it more likely to pass the check to Debuff or Enfeeble.
With the exception of the Harequin Head/Frame combination, spells are checked in the following order: Dia/Bio, Poison, Silence, Slow, Blind, and Paralyze. The Harlequin Head/Frame combo will place Dia/Bio and Poison after Paralyze.
The Check automatically fails if the effect is already present on the target.
The table below lists HP Thresholds for each spell. If the targets HP is below the threshold, the spell check will fail. (This explains why Automatons “always†nuke when the mobs HP is below 50%, although Ice Maneuvers and the Scanner may decrease this threshold lower than 50%)
Spell Nothing 1x Ice 2x Ice 3x Ice w/ Scanner 1x Ice 2x Ice 3x Ice
Silence 75%
Slow 75%
Blind 75%
Paralyze 75%
Dia/Bio 50%
Poison 50%
TODO: Reduce Table to 2 rows of just “Enfeeble†and “Debuffâ€
TODO: Fill out the rest of this table.
TODO: Test if these Thresholds change for different Head/Frame combinations. (I don’t believe they do, but need to check and confirm)
TODO: Test theories about certain Maneuver Combinations causing Nukes to take priority (in particular, Light + Dark = always Nuke?)
g. Accelerator – Enhances evasion
Equip: Evasion +XX
Wind Maneuver: Evasion +YY for each Active Wind Maneuver
h. Scope – enhances ranged accuracy
Equip: Ranged Accuracy +XX
Wind Maneuver: Ranged Accuracy +YY for each Active Wind Maneuver
i. Pattern Reader – analyzes enemy attack patterns and gradually enhances evasion
Enhances Evasion….somehow. Sounds like it is triggered by enemy TP attacks but there is no way to know. My best guess is that it increases the Automatons ability to dodge TP attacks previously used by the same mob.
j. Shock Absorber – use “stoneskinâ€
Stoneskin: Automaton uses Stoneskin if at least 1 Earth Maneuver is active. 3 Minute cooldown
k. Armor Plate – enhances defense
Equip: Defense +XX
Earth Maneuver: Defense +YY for each Active Earth Maneuver
l. Analyzer – increases chance of mitigating the effects of special attacks previously used by the enemy
Helps protect against enemy TP attacks? Same as Pattern Reader, likely decreases damage from TP attacks used by the same mob.
m. Stabilizer – enhances accuracy
Equip: Accuracy +XX
Thunder Maneuver: Accuracy +YY for each Active Thunder Maneuver
n. Volt Gun – adds lightning damage to attacks
Equip: Adds EnThunder to melee attacks
Thunder Maneuver: Increases Proc Rate? Increases Damage?
Note: EnThunder is not applied to Ranged Attacks
TODO: Find the EnSpell formula for RDMs, see if any sort of test can be performed.
o. Heat Seeker – analyzes enemy evasion patterns and gradually enhances accuracy
Improves Accuracy somehow? My best guess is that it improves WS accuracy since the description is similar to Pattern Reader and Analyzer.
p. Mana Jammer – enhances magic defense
Equip: Mag. Def Bonus +XX
Water Maneuver: Mag. Def Bonus +YY for each Active Water Maneuver
TODO: Test! Should be fairly simple to tank a spell casting mob and record the damage your automaton takes from GA spells.
q. Heatsink – reduces the rate of “Fire Maneuver†overload
Pretty self-explanatory. More research needed on how Overload occurs to test effects of Heatsink
TODO: Figure out how Overload Works (good luck on that one…)
r. Stealth Screen - reduces enmity
Equip: Enmity –XX
Water Maneuver: Enmity –YY for each Active Water Maneuver
s. Auto-Repair Kit – increases HP, adds “Regen†effect to light Maneuver
Equip: HP +XX
Light Maneuver: Adds 1 HP / tic Regen for each Active Light Maneuver
TODO: Determine +HP amount. How does it scale for each Frame and as the Automaton Levels up? A very brief test revealed that it is more than just a flat bonus or +% HP
t. Flashbulb – use “Flashâ€
Flash: Automaton uses Flash if at least 1 Light Maneuver is Active. 30 Second cooldown (or was it 45? Bah need to confirm)
TODO: Confirm cooldown
u. Damage Gauge – prioritizes curing
For any Automaton that has MP, when the recast is ready they will check the chart below first to determine if Curing is necessary. If either the Automaton or Puppetmaster’s HP is lower than the Threshold, the Automaton will use the highest known Cure.
Light Maneuver: Increases the level at which your Automaton will Cure based on the chart below:
Maneuvers Unattached Attached
0 30% 50%
1 35% 60%
2 50% 70%
3 75% 80%
TODO: Determine if Automaton uses “smart†healing (for example, using Cure II instead of III when the target has only lost 60 HP)
TODO: Determine if Automaton gives priority to himself or puppetmaster if both meet the condition to be cured. Or if priority goes to the one with the lowest HP.
v. Mana Tank – increases MP, adds “Refresh†effect to Dark Maneuver
Equip: MP +XX
Dark Maneuver: Adds 1 MP / tic Refresh for each Active Dark Maneuver
TODO: Determine MP+ amount. Does it scale with level?
w. Mana Converter – Consumes HP to Gradually Restore MP
Allows your Automaton to convert their HP into MP. 3 Minute Cooldown
When Activated, the Automatons current HP is cut in half and the Automaton gains a 10 tic Refresh which gives [HP Lost / 10] MP per tic.
Automaton HP is 346. HP Drops to 173 and gains a 17 MP / tic Refresh effect. After 10 tics, 170 MP is restored.
The Attachment is triggered by the following MP Threshholds:
Maneuvers MP
0 25%
1 ??
2 ??
3 ??
TODO: Fill out Chart
x. Mana Conserver – conserve MP
Equip: Conserve MP +XX (maybe +5)
Dark Maneuver: Additional Conserve MP +YY (maybe +5) for each Active Dark Maneuver
TODO: Test, although testing this would be incredibly painful. For now I will assume it works similar to the Inhibitor and gives +5 per maneuver.