Proposed lotting rule change


Exploding, Toothpick wielding Taru
ok been thinking about this post for awhile. i think we need to change the lotting system. the system i would like to go to would be a no job order lot system. this system is used in many public ls and i think we should be more of a public ls.

but we need some set standards on rules of how to make this work. im open to ideas on this.

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I guess it could either go points restrictive to usage like DX does... or have a cycle on it. I read about a limbus system someone else had where it cycled through drops. She got Nashira pants for instance so she couldn't lot coins for a couple runs. She was third on helm but therefore had to wait for it to drop three times. That was just from a random post, not sure how the system works. I can do some research on it tomorrow.
Well its not entirely open is it? People have to apply and such.
...i think we should be more of a public ls.

but we need some set standards on rules of how to make this work. im open to ideas on this.


Being more of a public LS would cause more problems in regard to lotting, as well as runs in general, due mainly in part to the limited number of players that can join a run.

Let's say, for instance, somewhere down the line, we acquire about 40 total members. Sure, in cases of farming pop items this would be great, since we could split up areas amongst different groups, but what happens when we pop Omega? Now we've got a fight that only 1 alliance can enter, and assuming 2/3 of the members are lotting Homam (that's approximately the current ratio), that leaves about 26 members planning to lot the 2 or 3 drops in the fight that only 18 can participate in.

The only way I see this working is giving members a point tally. Instead of our current "50% attendance and you can lot," we give priority to those with a higher point value, then deduct points upon winning an item. I'd love to see that in place now, even. We have members who have gone to just about every run and received nothing. Archain and Jif come to mind.
Others still can lot omega / ultima drops outside. They should think themselves lucky they get to take it easy for a change!

Just thought i would point out you can still lot after the battle.
We have members who have gone to just about every run and received nothing. Archain and Jif come to mind.

Arch has full Homam I think. My first thought was you actually. lol As far as the Homam side goes, you've been the longest without winning.

Honestly, I think the tiering works fine. However, I think new members should have to wait a cycle before lotting an item. It's been pointed out before that this shell was built with Ultima's general mindset in place. Well, in Ultima you can't lot anything while you are a probationary member. The same should apply here. That way, older members don't continuously get new members stacked on top of them lotting against them.
What Eticket said sounds good to me, I personally don't like free-for all lotting systems, but having newer members on probation sounds pretty good.

For those wondering, I didn't quit Negatron. :p I just got my kitty Sea so you'll be seeing me on her instead.
we would not be fully public ls, our numbers would stay the same. all i was saying is going to different system for lotting. point based may be a good idea or even if you have 50% you can pick maybe two items you can lott on each fight etc.

I think that just picking two items to lot still kinda screws you over for how much gil you have to shell out for each run. :( I think we should keep the lotting orders and just put new members on probation. :x
Same as jobs do this for most privileges, seniority. Once you win an item your seniority goes down a month or is reset. Saying points is hard due to some making all runs and some fight to make it to half the runs. Just something to consider
The way that some salvage shells ( and even endgame linkshells ) run, is you make a "wish list". Let's say you join shell, do 1 month probation, then you decide I want Homam corazza > shoes > hands. That person will get those 3 pieces in that order, but will only have to compete with whoever else has that same item on the cycle. Once you get that piece, you just move on to the next one, and compete against only those that are up for that same item. I'm not sure how fair it sounds to everyone, there's pros and cons to this system. It's just another way to look at it, just like there's pros and cons to our current system, anyway :P
whats broken with job priorities?
are we proposing i get to lot body and feet now with the thf lotters? why? I dont really need/have use for body but i guess ill lot it if its "free lot" set up, just doesnt seem fair really.
Points, or seniority are a good idea however, long term members getting outlotted by ppl who have made "50% of current cycle" sucks for those who have been coming long term. Id be in full support of points, provided we add them up for the runs weve done in the
Then again, once i get hands and legs i wouldnt lot a body drop over a thf/drg/blu, just wouldnt be right, even if i did have "points".
I also feel that if the rules are changed they should be changed at the 6 month mark. People signed on with the rules in place as they are and were made aware things would be re-thought at 6 months. Now that Ive waited to be last on list for hands priority itd royally suck for a "rule change".
Personally, I never considered Negatron a public shell at all. We're a closed shell with no real recruitment. The simple fact is, if you want to make the shell public, you need to implement a points system of some sort. There are just too few drops in Limbus to allow more than a couple dozen members or so to join. We need a small group of stable members with good attendance, not a huge group of players that only come for every other cycle. Taking on lots of new members is a sure way to lose veteran members, just like we did Arch. The only way to stop that is to promise the veteran members that they will get priority on drops.
There is no rules that will make 100% people happy.

Either way this turns out i'm just wait it and and see what the new changes bring if any. I'm not about to put 30k towards each run till i know what the rules will be.

I also know this is a touchy thing for some (me also), i would like to see omega > ultima > omega > ultima. Not omega > omega > ultima > omega. I know it is the old debate of 4 runs vs 8. But it wasn't the players that decided on that it was SE :)
I know I've not attended Negatron lately, and I've tried to keep my thoughts to myself on this, but I'd really like to voice my opinion. I don't feel there is anything wrong with the current lotting priority. It was made with the intention that those who worked hard, and made the best use out of those dropped items would eventually get those items. The lotting priorities were spread evenly over the jobs who could equip them to ensure everyone had rights to something. There are a few ppl who may never seem to get that one item they need due to a lack of priority, which may in turn seem unfair. This is why we allowed the main job change every 6 months, so there is a solution to this already. Making Negatron public does not sound like a good idea to me in that limbus does not work the same as Dynamis. There would be many moochers, and chances are you still wouldnt get the turnout. It seems as though there has been a lot of fuss over the last few weeks and its incidents in regards to select members and their situations. It would seem to me they never even read our rules, or fully understand them. They were placed there for a reason, they should not have constant change. If the general public wants a change, then thats a voice to be heard, but I don't think 1 or 2 ppl who think they have a raw deal should be affecting our rules whatsoever. If interested parties want to pursue this proposal, I would suggest making a voting poll, and should it get pushed through, not implement it until the end of the 6 month period. Sorry for the long post. ~ Gun:D
Gun is a nazi and hes trying to influence all of you to shave your heads!!! lol j/k!
keep the good info coming guys!!!

o and i have no intentions of a public shell as i said. was just using the open shell lotting strat as a example.

Realize the the main driver for me stepping down from the shell a little while ago was the time zone difference (Negatron was PST based). The start times were too late for me and I know I slept through two run gather-ups. I love Limbus and continue to do it, but I had to find a group that I could do it with without keeping myself up until 3AM on a worknight.

You do have a higher than normal new member cycling in this shell than Ultima did. The Ultima Limbus lotting priorities were what Negatron mainly based their system on. The difference was that Ultima had static mainjobs and a very low new member count, you could actually cycle through the entire list of mainjobs and move into secondary job lotting on some of the pieces. When I used to run Ultima Limbus, I know that I was pushing out the Homam Legs to the secondary THFs, PLDs, DRGs, and DRKs because we were allowed to systematically burn through our static main lot list. Not much was being injected into a lot order; everyone essentially knew where they stood.

While Negatron may not be considered open, it's definitely not a closed shell. A new element of variance is included with job switching and essentially will be used as a tool to attain priority on the item being sought.
also... small thing but it's annoying me just a bit... the word is 'proposed' :tounge-1: