PromathiaYuuetsu: Promyvion-Holla/Dem/Mea


Kitteh's Meow

Show of hands of people that need Holla/Dem/Mea for the first part of CoP.

I'm considering taking a group on an upcoming Monday or Sunday evening.


  • You MUST farm Anima. (Solo or with us.)
  • You MUST have gear for level 30.
  • You MUST follow instructions.
  • You MUST be willing to help others.
PromathiaYuuetsu is what I would like to call my pet project to help people enjoy and complete CoP. (PromathiaYuuetsu stands for Promathia Supremacy)

People that have completed CoP are welcome to come help out, we could possible take down the NM's or do map quests if you need/want them.

Please post here and I will make a decision on when/how to do this. A minotaur run will follow if this group is sucessful and willing.

I don't need Holla/Dem/Mea, but if it helps people get further, then by all means I'll help out. =) I'm on PM3-5 for when we get to it. ^-^

At level 30 I have smn, whm, blm, drk & rdm. I have some equips left for drk or blm, but not many, I can get them if necessary.
i can help out as blm
Then I urge people reading this that don't need it to advise the others that DO need to read this, I'm not setting a date until I get confirmation of people that will come.
Sorry Sassa ._. I meant I need Mea.

I just checked and I have Dem and Holla ^^

So yeah, I am interested in doing Promys as either BLM, RDM, WHM all at Lv30.
I spoke to my cousin, Baelin.... he is on Minotaur... so we can pick him up or he can help out...

He has NIN, RDM and BLM I believe. He's RDM primary (71'ish)
sounds good to me, i'm open after 3PM CST all week except sundays, all day on mondays until school starts on the 28th. After that, M/W after 7:15PM CST, T/TH after 3PM CST. Free all day friday, and after 3PM CST on Saturdays. =)

If it means getting people through promies etc, I'll be more than happy to help out to get Sea finished and out of the way.