I suppose I'll chime in here with a different outlook and hope I don't end up alienating myself.

I grew up in a very conservative household and have voted along those lines on most occasions. This election I was torn. I feel many of Obama's proposed policies are not good ideas, and that McCain's more closely matched what should be done. On the other hand, I strongly felt that McCain would be more of the same old politics in Washington that I dislike so much, and that Obama would try to change that. I ended up with the feeling that Obama's governing style would be different and a much needed change, even though I feel many of his social programs and such are not good ideas.
In the end, it really didn't matter which way I voted, because Oklahoma was going to go for McCain strongly.

So I'll leave it up in the air as to the direction I actually voted. I'm not sorry to see Obama in office, and I hope he can bring about good change for the country.
My fear is that with both houses of Congress in Democratic hands along with a Democratic president, the politicians will once again indulge themselves and do all they can to grab federal money for their states. We have a budget problem, and increased taxes alone will not fix it (not to mention the slowing effect higher taxes have on the economy).
The goal of Congress is to make the best choices for the nation, not try to get as big a slice of the budget for their state that they can. It irks me to no end that when the Republicans last got both houses and the presidency, they left their "small government" ideals behind and spent money left and right. It's good for their state and good for their reelection campaigns, but taken all together it's horrible for the country. So what happens now that the "larger government" party has control? I fear they will do more of the same when we seriously as a nation need to control our expenditures. Our deficit won't go away by itself.
So I really do hope Obama's presidency does lead to change. I think he will try hard to make the country better, but I don't know if he can stand against the weight of DC bureaucracy and congressional greed.
Here's hoping! ^_^b