Poll For Salvage Rules

Rule on a 35 drop in salvage?

  • People with 2/3 (15 and 25) get to lot it

    Votes: 4 40.0%
  • People who have the corrisponding set in comment get to lot

    Votes: 6 60.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Da FrEaK oF NaTuRe
Ultima doesnt rly do salvage as a ls event nor do i personally ever plan to go to any LS sanctioned salv event unless there are multiple runs because haveing more then 8 for any given salvage run is just udderly retarded.

Now since ive been away ive redone my own personal salv rules for the runs i plan out and execute myself.The changes i made are as follows.

Noone is given priority on ANY lvl 35 item drop no matter if your 2/3 or not.

Those who do have a lvl 35 and the corrisponding 15 or 25 drops and their comment is set to that set they have priority on 15 or a 25 whether or whether not they are only 1/3 with just the 35.

Now to explain my reasoning.I myself have been to over 200-250 salvage runs and their are many lvl 35 drops i have NEVER seen drop.So say guy who goes to alot of salvage and rly only wants Ares Body and in all his salv runs hes never seen the 35 drop and maybe in some random run he missed cause he has to work or something a 25 for the body drops and some random guy wins lot who doesnt go to many salvages making that person 2/3 and has the 15/25.I personally cannot be a jackass and give a 35 that took 200 or more salvages to drop to a guy over someone else just because the guy has the easy to obtain 15 and 25.Its unfair with the retardly rare drop rate of a Lvl 35 piece of equipment to to automatically give it to anyone.So heres my poll on what u guys may think the rule should be.
Also i am thinking about changeing my lotting rules from setting a sea com to set u want to lot to picking 2 pieces of Salv Gear u want most and me holding records and those people get priority on their pieces they pick and if a 35 drops that noone has in their favs it goes to free lot to those with jobs at 75.Of course this method wont work until i get a cohesive salv group with the same people everytime.Until then the set a sea com for set is how i will do it.
Much rather stick with what we been doing.

2/3 > auto 3rd piece unless someone else is also 2/3 then they lot it out.

Rather see stuff upgraded then sitting in peoples locker.

Both options above only fragment the pieces about and will take people even longer to upgrade pieces.

Freak if you have so many 2/3 pieces you deserve to get them autoed to you since you continued to do salvage and we did not.
I was in 2 salvage LS on hades. First one had a wishlist lotting system. You pick 1st, 2nd, 3rd most wanted items. If that piece drops you get to lot if its first priority. Its kinda like our system with mains and secondary. This was a great system, very fair in my mind. The other LS I was in was 2/3 priority rule. I did 20-30 runs with this group and NEVER got to lot on a piece. The reason being is most of the people were 2/3 on stuff and all they did is farm 35's. I for one am all for freaks idea about no priority on 35's because they are VERY rare. It makes waaay more sense to focus on 35's and when someone gets one, do the corresponding boss for the 25 and such.
I just want to get back to doing Salvage, period. :P

Personally, I don't like the idea of 2/3 people getting priority on any lot. Either just going by search comment for a set or with the wishlist lotting system Gordie mentioned seems better to me. That's especially true as Salvage runs are targeted at specific pieces. Unless you spread runs around evenly, you run the risk of some people never being able to lot because the group never goes to areas that would allow them to get to 2/3.

I'll put up with a 2/3 rule if I have to, but I'd rather all attendees of a run have a shot at a piece rather than just people who got lucky on earlier runs.
I'd like to join up for this. Wouldn't be able to start myself until after I get back from vacation later this month. :o
Doing a particular zone doesn't mean the NM you need will be targeted either. There is only so much you can do in each zone and usually the path taken is pre-decided.
Ah yes another thing i hate about leading runs haveing to choose what to do when u got 5 people wanting to do 5 different things.Trying to please people can be very difficult!

Personally i like to run the same zone for 35 NMs till we get at least 2-3 35s then do the corrisponding Boss runs but drop rates can be ghey and people get bored of same zone.

Like for example the last week before i got on bus we did i think 4-5 Zhaloms in a row doing 35 NMs only got 1 drop and people were alrdy begging for arrapago lol.

Oh on a side note since i left Levi and salv group i was in they have gotten Marduk body 35s 6-8 lawl didnt drop on last 10 runs i did with them.