


Non-Validated User




one fraps, one from the other crap....there ya go, ill let u post what that is all about. Feel free to copy that link straight from there any time u want. Grats again.
I think I must have almost woken my roommates with my yelling on Vent at 4 in the AM hehehe. What a crazy fight, it's no joke to have to maintain a high level of play for 3 hours straight, and even more so near the end.

rofl, laffed out loud at that one.

57,000? Holy cow...
I never EVER use this but...

rofl to that picture arch...that is insane hahahaha
Shalk went with me one time to farm White Steel and his Fenny was tanking - whenever we saw Grudge it was "oh shit", 1200+ damage that we watched increase as we went on. lol.

Outta morbid curiosity...

Somebody mentioned that once all the hides were dished out to those who needed them, they would be sold + split; as such, I'm curious as to what usage the hides we got the other night will get ^_^v Its nice to see the fruits of labor put into action, whether it be funding something or providing someone with a nice Cape or Shirt (JGP!)
great job guys :bfg: now when I come back we gonna do it again right?:D